[meanwhile, bk at the mansion, Paul was doing his college assignment in the study room wen the door bell rang]
Paul: Bertha, mind getting the door?
Bertha; 8looked out the peephole8
[it was Paul's girl friends Eli n Anna]
Bertha; 8let them in8
Eli: Hey, Bertha. Is Paul home?
Bertha; In the study my dears
Eli: Thanks [came in hand in hand with Anna]
Anna; 8followed her8
Eli: [located the study n knocked]
Paul: Come in
8the both entered8
Paul: Hey, girls! Oh my Hector, its been forever! How did u find this plc?
Eli: We had an app for tht. U texted us ur address so we drove our way here
Paul: U got ur license now?
Eli: Yup, n so did Anna, bt I took the wheel this time
Anna; How are ya feelin' Paul/
Paul: Good. Sorry I nvr exactly invited u guys to come to our new home. Would u like a tour? [stood up]
Eli: [sees his baby bump] Woah, ur knocked up again?
Paul: [blinked n blushed sheepishly]
Anna; Congrats
Eli: U lucky sonofagun, u [nudged him gently] So do we get the tour ard the house?
Paul: Sure, right this way [called out] Bertha, can u get snacks ready at the lounge room? I'm going to give my friends the tour
Bertha; Of course laddie
Paul: Thanks, Bertha [proceeded to show the girls ard the house, telling them the story abt their misadventures while trying to exorcise the plc]
8there were some portraits of those they helped painted by Thrax, Sakura, Rory n Pendragon8
Eli: Wow, tht is some serious artwork there
Paul: Thanks to my family. They're the talented ones
Eli: Aww, ur talented too. U make wicked cakes n pastries!
Anna; We all have our strong areas
Paul: True that
[the tour soon ended n they made their way to the lounge room where the snacks n drinks were ready]
Paul: Help yourselves. Bertha n I made those pastries yesterday
Eli: Don't mind if I do
Anna; 8took one n bit into it9 Delicious
Eli: [ate one as well ] Mmm~~ I feel like a foodgasm coming in...
Paul: [chuckles] Thanks for the compliment
Anna; 8helped herself to a drink8
Paul: [stared at them for a while] U knw, I sense there is something else tht ur here for besides wanting to visit my home. Call it a mayor's intuition. Wats bothering u?
Eli: [hesitated for a while before sighing as she held Anna's hand] I'm not sure if u've already figured it out bt...Anna and I...We're together now, as in seriously together
Anna; 8gave it a gentle squueze8
Paul: Well, I shouldn't be surprised. U two are practically joined in the hip since the first time I met u. I had my suspicions
Eli: Well... The thing is...our parents weren't as accepting as u are
Paul: Wat? At this day and age where there are so many same-sex couples ard here in Goliath City?
Anna; And mixed race
Eli: Yeah, well, we've nvr told u this before bt...our families were part of a secret cult tht preaches cell purity
Paul: Oh my Hector, u guys still hv cults like these?
Anna; Ya think only in the humans but never the gargoyles
Eli: Yeah. Remember that incident u told me before abt that cult tht got ur uncles in trouble? The one that was a huge scandal with one of the members being obsessed with ur Uncle Takashi?
Paul: Yeah. U mean ur family was frm tht cult?
Eli: A smaller branch tht kept in the shadows. The ones that didn't go to drastic measures to kidnap ppl, bt still practice cell purity nonetheless
Anna; 8rolled her eyes8
Paul: So wat happened wen u guys announced ur relationship?
Eli: Wat do u think? Our parents were absolutely pissed, of course. My parents think tht it is a phase, tht I should go for counseling n intensified my cult sessions to, as the humans call it, "pray the gay away". Anna had it evn worse. They thought it was a mental disease n tht she needed to be cured, so they had her committed to an asylum funded by the cult. N...well, I just rescued her out of there, n we're on the lam, so to speak
Anna; 8gripped her fists8
Paul: Oh my. U think ur parents r looking for u?
Eli: [shook her head] Probably not. They want to keep their cult a secret. If they were to hunt us dwn, they'll risk exposing themselves to the public abt their cult. U can say we're...pretty much disowned now
Anna; 8snorts8
Paul: U girls got any plc to stay?
Eli: [shook her head]
Anna; 8shook her head8
Paul: I'll hv to ask Mordred abt this bt I'm sure u can bunk in with us for now. We've got too many rooms n we're planning to hv some of them rented out for extra income
Anna; Are you sure/
Paul: Yeah, its no big, reli. I'd welcome u anytime [looked at the time] Ooh, Mordred should be bk any minute now. We can ask him then
Eli: Sure. In the meantime [nommed another cake] Mmmm~~ Foodgasm...!!
Anna; 8giggled8