Episode 3
*they all reached there within 10 mins*
8everyone got out8
*they all made their way into Oz's ward where he was admitted*
8Thrax and his his family were there and all looked terrible8
Miracle: Oi vey, u look like a train wreck. How's Daddy doing?
Thrax; All signs are normal but we're strill worry
Ricardo: Maybe u shouldnt worry too much. U dont want Oz to see u guys like this. He'll start blaming himself
Thrax; 8sighed8
Takashi: Sa...Daijobu ne, Thrax ottoto-chan. He'll be fine
Thrax; 8didn't believe him8
Dieter: Jou knw, eet may zound veird bt...I'm curiouz az to how Hector's family r doing now zat he eez gone, as vell as Christine
Ricardo: Yeah, come to think of it, my sister is still in Hector wen he died. I may still...hv a grudge on her bt...it feels weird...to realize tht she's actually dead now. Tht's she's outta my life for good. Evn she didnt deserve tht...
Antonio; You know how to find her
Ricardo: The only thing tht puts anything in contact btwn us is the fact tht I was technically in probation wen I met u guys, n she was my probation officer. Tht's why she was always hanging ard wen I joined ur group, spying on us n getting me to leave u.
Dieter: Ja, I remember she had an anklet on u to track ur progress n whereabts tht is transmitted to her cell phone
Antonio; 8rolled his eyes8
Ricardo: Yeah. I remember tht. You tried to take it off n she sent a whole squad to chk on me. Almost hauled all ur asses in if it werent for me *chuckles*
Dieter: Vasn't me. Eet vas Alexis. He'z alvayz been zee naughty vone
Alexis; 8growled8
Miracle: Wow, u reli tried to take off a PD surveillance anklet?
Alexis; Hmph
Miracle: Well, my big strong rebel, how did u do it? *grins seductively*
Alexis; The blasted thing was easy to snap
Miracle: With ur strength, I'm not surprised *laughs*
Alexis; 8smirked8
Dieter: Ja, jou brought zat bitch in ze moment jou snapped zat zing off. I svear I've nvr seen her so agitated. Eet vas vorth eet zho *chuckles*
Ricardo: Well, tht was before. Aftr probation was ovr, she took it off, bt she still harasses me frm time to time. Tht's the only time we contacted. It's weird now tht...I'll nvr see her again. Not tht I want to, bt still...
Antonio; 8held him close8
Ricardo: *kissed him, then caressed his own baby bump*
Antonio; 8smiled softly8
Ricardo: I hv a feeling its gonna be twins again, or at least a girl
Antonio; What makes you think that/
Ricardo: *shrugs* Just a feeling
Miracle: Nvr doubt a mother's instinct *grins*
Antonio; 8nuzzled his mate but stopped at Thrax's scowl8
Ricardo: *noticed as well* S...Sorry...
Ozzie: *moaned a bit in his sleep n turned sides*
Thrax; 8bit his lip8
Ozzie: *moaned a little again n the glow began*
Thrax; 8inhaled sharply8
Spryman: *saw it* Woah, wht's tht?
*everyone peeked in to see the glow*
Thrax; That's what has me worried
Ricardo: Tht's reli the oddest thing I've evr seen
8the others nodded8
Takashi: Bt is it affecting Oz to-chan?
Thrax; I'm not sure
Dieter: He'z zeemz to be sleeping zhru eet
Leah; Ja
Dieter: Hmm, ze glowing zeemz to hv ztop now
*the glow reli did slow dwn, bt it continued to throb in beat*
Leah; Vat is causing zis?
Spryman: We dont knw, we tried to tell the doctors abt it, bt the glow seems to hv a mind of its own. Its always conveniently not there wen we call the docs
Alexis; This is weird, ya think something the AI did?
Miracle: Could be. Aftr all, the womb was created by the AI. I'm just worried tht something odd might come out of it
Thrax; 8shuttered8
Spryman: Pops, I'm scared...
Thrax; 8wrapped his arm round him8
Ricardo: Things will turn out alright, dont worry too much
Takashi: I hope for Oz to-chan's sake its true
Orion; 8nods8
Dieter: Ve better let jou rest zen. Jou zhould go home, dont tire out ze chiddlers. Aftr all, Paul eez going to ztart zchool nxt semester, vich eez abt zree mths time
Thrax; 8nods8
Miracle: *gave him a hug* Take care now *left with the group*
Julius; 8bit his lip hard in worry8
Morty: *wrapped his arms ard him* C'mon. Let's go for a little ride *carries Julius n propped him onto Excalibur* Cya, guys
Takashi: Sayonara~!
Orion; C'ya
Morty: *chuckles as he rode off with Julius* Let's go somewhere more relaxing, eh, lovebug?
Julius; 8looked slightly dazed8
Morty: *chuckles again* U gotta start getting used to being romanced, lovebug *kissed his cheek* Let's go to the Shoulder Estate. Nice hills they hv there in the suburbs *whistled for Excalibur to move*
8the dog took off8
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