Episode 15
Dieter: *on the other hand, was out surveying the area for potential tips on opening their bookshop n their competition*
Vincent; 8stayed at home8
Dieter: *aftr surveying ard, he came home with a bunch of brochures frm every book shop he went to, pretending to be a customer to scout abt their offers*
Vincent; 8rolled his eyes8
Dieter: Look, mein liebe, all ze brochure. Ve can survey our competitorz vith zeese n come up vith somzing better
Vincent; 8sighed8
Dieter: *blinked* V...Vat's vrong, mein liebe?
Vincent; I don't care about compition, just doing something I like
Dieter: I'm zorry... *sighed n hugged him* I guez itz juz ze German in me, alvays vanting zo be ze bezt in everyzing
Vincent; 8nuzzled him8
Dieter: Bt zere r zome zings in here zat ve can take az an example. Juz zaying. Ve ztill vould vant ppl zo like coming zo our shop
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: Vat hv jou been doing vhile I vas avay, hmm? *grins at him*
Vincent; Just reading
Dieter: Vat vere jou reading?
Vincent; Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde'
Dieter: Ah, ze classic vone. I personally like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein n ze ozer vone...vat's it called? Dracula?
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: *chuckles* Ve r going to ztart getting buzy vith ordering ze books for ze bookstore. I've yet to find ze plc for our bizniz tho
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: Hv jou found any plc zat ve can be to do our shop?
Vincent; Not yet
Dieter: I hear zat Takashi iz going to hv hiz shop zomewhere near Frank's Diner. Jou zink ve zhould do zat too?
Vincent; Close to family
Dieter: Ja, maybe better too. Least zey can help keep an eye out for each ozer
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: I found a tiny ztore room near our guezt room. It zeems zat whoevr used to live here left zeir old books behind. Vanna chk eet out to zee iv zey hv anyzing vorth zelling or keeping?
Vincent; Sure
Dieter: *went to the store room with Vincent n revealed abt a few big boxes of books tht were more or less collecting dust*
Vincent; Wonder why these were left behind?
Dieter: *opened one of the boxes* I can zee vhy. Zey're mostly chiddlerz bookz. Zome for teenage n adult reading bt mostly chiddlerz n comicz
Vincent; 8looked at some of them8
*they were reli mostly childrens' books, n a few teenage reads n adult reads, n a whole boxful of collectible comics tht may worth a fortune*
Vincent; 8looked at a few8 Some of these are classics
Dieter: I agree. Look at zis. Treasure Island. Havent zeen zese in forevr
Vincent: 'Chronicles of Nania', Shakesphere's Complete Works
Dieter: Wow, iv ve zell zhose in ze big market, ve might earn zomezing big iv eetz valuable enuff
Vincent; Some of these I'll keep
Dieter: Zame here too. Letz separate zhose ve vant n zhose ve could zpare to zell
Vincent; Alright
*the duo spent the day separating the books to the ones they like n ones they can sell*
Vincent; 8set his to the side8
Dieter: *does the same for himself*
Vincent; Hey what's this 8picks up a book8
Dieter: Vat iz eet, mein liebe, vat did jou find?
Vincent; 8sees the book was locked and blew the dust off the book, revealing the letters 'JR')
Dieter: 'JR'? Vat iz zat? Ze ownerz' initialz?
Vincent; Could be, this must be a journal
Dieter: Zhould ve open eet n chk eet outz?
Vincent; Are you nuts?
Dieter: Vat? Eet could be somezing interesting in eet. I meen, if zey left eet here, zey probably didnt vant eet
Vincent; Or else the person who owned it died
Dieter: Zat could be vone ozer reazon. Zo eet vouldn't hurt to zee eet now, vould eet? Aftr all ve cant keep eet ard forever vithout opening eet, n ve cant zell eet
Vincent; Ya have to be mad to sell someone's journal
Dieter: Zo eet's zettled zen? Ve open eet?
Vincent; 8still looked unsure8
Dieter: Dont vorry. Anyzing happens, I'm here. Now letz zee if ve can get zis lock to open... *looks ard for a key or some tool to pry the lock*
Vincent; 8took out a pen knife8
Dieter: Danke *takes the pen knife n gently pried at the lock*
8the lock unlatched8
Dieter: *opened it n leaned against Vincent so tht he could read it as well*
8the dairy looked very old and had sketches in it as well as entries, dating back to the 1800s8
Dieter: Wow, zis iz imprezzive. Eet haz been kept for zo long n in good condizion. Iz zere a full name anyvhere in ziz journal?
Vincent; Try the back
Dieter: *turned to the bk*
8there at the bottom was scratched the name Jack Rowter8
Dieter: Jack Rowter? Interezting name
Vincent; 8took out a few loose pages from the journal, which were photos and sketches8
Dieter: *peeks in* Vat do jou hv zere?
Vincent; Photos and sketches8
Dieter: *looked at one of the photos*
8two seemed to be family prtraits only there was a little girl in one pic but not in the others8
Dieter: *noticed it* Zere iz vone little chiddler zere bt...vere iz she in ze ozer picturez?
Vincent; They look identicle but there a few differeces
Dieter: How zo? *looked close*
8one of the men was wearing a different tie, there was a picture missing on the wall, as was the older man's hankerchief and the other younger man's hair was styled differently8
Dieter: *rubbed his chin* Hmm, zat iz interesting...
Vincent; 8picked up a sketch8
Dieter: *chked the first few pages of the journal*
8some pages are poems that talked of bloodshed8
Dieter: Veird. Zis vone iz kinda dark
Vincent; 8shivers8
Dieter: Somezing must've happened here vay bk ven. I zee ze entriez zound like somezing terrible took plc here
Vincent; 8looked at a sketch8 Look at this
Dieter: *looked to it*
8it was a sketch of a cell or virus by a trap door with shacles round his ankles8
Dieter: *gasped* Iz...Iz zat vat I zink eet iz?
Vincent; 8gulped8
Dieter: I didnt knw zey practice slavery here bk zen
Vincent; I don't think it's slavery but convinment
Dieter: Confinement? Bt vhy? Zis iz odd. Zere haz to be somezing here to explain zis *flips thru the journal*
Vincent; I think this journal belongs to the man in the sketch
Dieter: Jack Rowter, hmm...I vonder vat kind of life he reli lives. *browsed thru the pages to see if there were an answer to all this*
8the journal didn't give much answer but mention five females: Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride,Catherine Eddows and Mary Jane Kelly8
Dieter: Looks like ve hv a mystery in our handz. Zis iz almost exciting, like Sherlock Holmes *laughed*
Vincent; 8looked nervous8
Dieter: Vat's wrong? Jou look nervous, mein liebe
Vincent; Aren't we messing in things we shouldn't?
Dieter: Maybe, bt if it vere to happen to jou, vouldnt jou like jour case to be zolved?
Vincent; I don't think this guy wanted to be found
Dieter: Alright, ve'll put eet azide for ze moment. Bt I vill still look into eet venevr I can. Dont vorry, mein liebe, eets juz a history mystery. I'm sure eets nozing too zerious, vell, ozer zan ze confinement, zat iz
Vincent; 8shivered in fear8
Dieter: *squeezed his hand reassuringly before closing the book, bt left it unlocked*
Vincent; We should put it back
Dieter: Put eet bk vhere?
Vincent; Where we found it and leave it
Dieter: *stared at it for a while, then put it in a shoebox* Nien. I'm keeping eet. I vill investigate zis vone of zese dayz *takes the shoebox n brings it to the closet of the guestroom n put it on the top shelf where u need a chair to reach ovr to find it* Zere, zat zhould do eet
Vincent; 8trembled8
Dieter: *closed the closet* I'll juz put eet right here. Vho knwz? Eet may come in handy. Letz take out all ze bookz zat ve vant to keep n put ze vones zat ve vant to sell at ze verandah, ja?
Vincent; 8nods8
*the duo soon moved their things in order, the journal temporarily set aside*
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