TOYLB: A Whole New World-Season 3-5

Episode 5

*the days followed to finish up the restaurant n the shops, n by the end of the week, everything was completed*

Leah; It looks great

Drix: All thanks to everyone's contribution

Takashi: Hai hai~! *clapped his hands*

Ozzie: Hv a drink, guys *tossed them some refreshment drinks he just bought with Miracle*

Thrax; Thanks baby

Dieter: Danke *takes the drink*

Takashi: Arigato, Oz to-chan

Leah; Danka Ox 8slowly sips her's8

Miracle: *took his drink n sipped as well*

Drix: So hv u guys started bringing in the books, Di?

Thrax; 8looked over8

Dieter: Ja, ve hv zees for ztarterz. Ve've made ze order for ze shipment, eet zhould come in vithin 2 veeks. Our zhelvez r all up und ready

Vincent; 8nods8

Drix: Good for u. Wht abt ur tailor shop there, Orion, Taka?

Orion; Material orders are, equipment's set up

Takashi: Hai hai, all we need is incoming orders n my special tailor skills ne~!

Orion; 8smiled8

Ricardo: Sounds like its gonna be fun

Ozzie: So how're u doing there with the baby, Ricky?

Ricardo: I'm fine now. I'm glad I didnt do anything stupid. I feel vry lucky to hv this child

Takashi: Hai, hai. Ur positively glowing ne~!

Antonio; 8kissed his mate on the neck8

Ricardo: *giggled at the kiss*

Ozzie: *yawned, leaning against Thrax*

Spryman: Tired again, Momma?

Ozzie: Mmhmm... *nodded*

Thrax; 8nuzzled him8

Ozzie: *leaned against him, his eyes drooping*

Miracle: Man, Daddy, u get easily tired these days

Thrax; It's the baby Miracle

Dieter: Jou better take him zomevere zo he could lie dwn n rest

Leah; There a bed in the back room8

Ozzie: *nuzzled, whining to be put to bed*

Thrax; 8led him in8

Ozzie: *let out another long yawn*

Thrax; 8set him on the bed8

Ozzie: *curled up n fell asleep*

Thrax; 8tucked him in8

Miracle: *watched at the door*

Thrax; 8stroked his mate's face8

Miracle: Is he gonna be alright?

Thrax; He will be

Miracle: *noticed* Isnt his belly larger than it should be?

Thrax; 8took his son aside8

Miracle: *surprised* Wht's wrong, Pops?

Thrax; 8told him8

Miracle: Oh my...Tht sounds a little worrisome. I might be inclined to think Paul is right: we should be careful

Thrax; I'm taking ozzy to the clinic for a check up later

Miracle: *nods* Its better tht way. We're not taking any chances

Thrax; 8nods8

*as everyone put the finishing touches to their stores, Oz continued to sleep n sleep n sleep, n by nightfall, he had not shown signs of waking up*

Thrax; 8gently shook him8 Ozzy

Ozzie: *was not waking up*

Spryman: *chking in*

Thrax; 8scooped his mate up8

Spryman: Is Momma OK? *worried*

Thrax; We need to get him to the clinic 8ran out8

Spryman: *picked up his sibs n followed*

Miracle: *sees them run past* Wht's wrong??

Thrax; 8ran passed him8

Spryman: Momma wont wake up. We need to get him to a clinic

Miracle: I'll haul a cab

Leah; 8looked over8

*the cab soon came, n Miracle gave instructions to send Thrax n his family to the nearest clinic*

Thrax; 8quickly got in and the cab drove off8

Miracle: Man, I hope Daddy would be OK *watches the cab leave*

Leah; So do I

*the cab soon took them to the nearest clinic*

Thrax; 8rushed in with ozzy8

*the doctors n nurses quickly took charge n took Oz away*

Thrax; 8bit his lip8

*aftr abt half an hour, the doctor came out*

Spryman: Pops, the doc's out

Thrax; 8shot up8

Doctor: U r husband of Osmosis Tyrone Jones?

Thrax; Yes

Doc: This is a bizarre case. It seems tht ur wife has gone to a hibernation mode

Thrax; What? How?

Doc: We can only assume tht somehow his pregnancy is sapping the strength out of his body in quite an alarming rate, bt the child needs the mother to grow n dont want accidentally tap into his reserves n kill him, so the body somehow learnt to gently slow dwn his metabolisme n sorta "shut him dwn" so tht he could completely rest while still be able to sustain the baby's growth

Thrax; Will they be alright

Doc: At the moment, he is fine. He looks like he's just resting, bt we plug in some IVs n sustenance just in case so tht he could still maintain his nutrients. Tho I must warn u, if he doesnt wake up by the due date of birth, we will hv to do C-section, n its advisable tht we want to avoid this as much as possible

Thrax; 8nods8 I understand

Doc: *nods n walks off*

Spryman: Is Momma gonna be OK, Pops?

Thrax; Hopefully Paul

Kiaran: Can we visit Mama?

Thrax; I'm not sure Kai

Hope: *already tottered her way behind their backs to where his mother was admitted*

*a nurse was jotting dwn on Oz's chart wen she came waddling in*

Nurse: Oh, n wht're u doing 'ere, sweet lass? *picks her up n cuddled her*

Thrax; Hope? 8looks round8

Nurse: 'Tis ur lil' lass, milad?

Thrax; Yes 8takes Hope8

Hope: *whimpered, leaning away frm her father, wanting to go to her mother*

Thrax; Sweetie, he's not well

Nurse: Oh dont worry, milad, the lass misses her kin. She can be with him for a while

Hope: *was already starting to cry*

Thrax; 8held her close8

Nurse: Its alright there, lassy, here we go *picks Hope up n brought her near to Oz, putting her in his arms*

Hope: *nuzzled against Oz's chest, taking in his scent n grip his hospital gown tight*

Thrax; 8sighed sadly8

Spryman: *followed aftr his father n saw Hope in Oz's arms* Momma...! *ran to him n hugged him*

Thrax; Easy Paul

Spryman: *nodded bt still hugging him*

*the other kids also joined in, taking care not to bother their mother too much*

Thrax; 8bit his lip8

Nurse: Poor lil' laddies n lasses. They're sure r worried of their kin, innit there, milad?

Thrax; 8sighed8 Each time has never been easy

Nurse: Ye sound like yer mate been thru hardships evrytime he's with bairn

Thrax; He has

Nurse: Must be a bit hard for him, aye, since he is, aftr all, carrying viral bairn

Thrax; 8placed his head in his hands8

Nurse: *patted his bk* Nay, milad. Evrything will turn out as right as rain, mark me words. Now is time for ur bairns to leave n let ur mate rest, aye? U can come bk in the morrow

Thrax; 8in Scottish8 Thank you

Nurse: *smiled n nodded before she left*

Thrax; 8gathered the kids8

Hope: *was whimpering n crying, holding onto Oz's gown n shaking her head, being tht she is the youngest n most attached to her mother*

Thrax; Sweetie let go

Hope: No, no, no, no~! I want Mama~! *starts wailing*

Thrax; Hope he needs his rest

Hope: *was crying out loud*

Spryman: Sorry, Hope. Its for the best *yanked Hope away frm Oz as gently as he could n carried her out of the room, trying to calm her dwn as she continued to cry n wail dwn the hallway*

Thrax; 8kissed his mate's lips then quietly left8

Ozzie: *curled more in the covers, bt didnt wake*


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