Sakura; 8had finished her homework before dinner n started listening to some music8
Ozzy: [knocked on Sakura's door, then projected his thoughts thru it] /Kura? We've got dessert. U want some?/
Sakura; {telepathically replied} No thank you mother
Ozzy: /Alright. Don't stay up too late, OK?/
Sakura; /Alright/
Ozzy: [goes bk to the kitchen, then takes out caramel pudding frm the fridge] /Who wants dessert?/
Kiaran, Ozzex, Olivia, & the twins: ME~~!!
Othello: I'll pass, Ma, thanks
Rory; Same
Ozzy: /Hope? Wat abt u?/
Hope; Just a little bit please
Ozzy: [turns to Thrax] /Wat abt u, hun?/
Thrax; I'll pass baby
Ozzy: /Alright. More for me/ [prepares the share of evryone who wants dessert n set it on the table] /OK, kids, come n get it/ [makes his own share]
Kids: [went to grab their share of desserts]
Thrax; 8took a soda out of the fridge8
Ozzy: [ate his pudding] /I wonder how my sibs r doing. I mean, I hear them doing their songs in the radio frm time to time, bt kinda curious as to how's life behind the camera for them/
Thrax; 8took a swig8 Have ya contacted em/
Ozzy: /I group-chat them occasionally, bt it seems they're still pretty busy with their new album n all tht, altho Rodeo did secretly CellApp me in a different chat telling me abt Rogue n his progress with Loki/ [giggled inwardly]
Thrax; 8smirked8
Ozzy: /Our last conversation, he told me tht there's a bit of a snag.../ [showed him his chat with Rodeo abt Loki's predicament with his family not knwing the truth abt his relationship status]
Thrax; 8winces n sucked in his breath8
Ozzy: /They definitely hv a dilemma in their hands right now/
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzy: /How do u think its gonna turn out for them?/
Thrax; Probably not well with how Loki's family are described
Ozzy: /Bt I dont think Loki's mom is a mean or bad woman, maybe just a little bit on the borderline ovrprotective n high expectation side, prolly a bit bitter frm losing her husband n her legs n becoming unemployed/
Thrax; Possibly
Ozzy: /Keeping my fingers crossed for them tho/
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzy: [smiled up at him, then took a bite of the pudding before leaning up to kiss him, letting him taste the pudding while he himself tasted the soda frm Thrax's lips]
Thrax; 8licked his lips8 Talk about mixed tastes
Ozzy: [giggled as he licked his lips as well] /Well, u definitely dont taste too bad/
Thrax; 8purred8
Kids: [sees them being all lovey-dovey n oogled at them with wide grins on their faces]
Thrax; 8shot a glare from the corner of his eye8
Kids: [giggled n made a run for it]
Ozzy: [chuckles] /Oh, c'mon, hun, they're just growing kids. Nothing wrong with them being curious abt our romance/
Thrax; 8snorts8
Ozzy: [ran circles ard Thrax's chin] /I sometimes wonder wat would it be if we hv nvr met.../
Thrax; hard to say
Ozzy: /Hmm, prolly would nvr hv met Hecro, nvr hv met ur sibs, n nvr had found out the truth abt my real family/
THrax; 8shivered8 And I'd still be that demon
Ozzy: /Definitely that too. Guess things worked out for the best for both of us/
Thrax; 8smiled8
Ozzy: /If u had a chance to do it all over again, would u change a thing, knowing wat might happen?/
Thrax; A few things baby if I could
Ozzy: /Like how?/ [sat on his lap]
Thrax; 8glanced over his shoulder at their family photos, his eyes on a certain few8
Ozzy: [looked at his direction n noticed the missing members of the family] Oh... Right...
Thrax; 8sighs8
Ozzy: /Yeah... I guess I would like to change tht.../ [leans his head against Thrax's shoulder]
Thrax; 8nuzzles him8
Ozzy: /Bt other than tht, I suppose I wouldnt want to change anything else... I'm happy the way things r btwn us, n how we got here.../
Thrax; 8held him close8
Ozzy: [purred n nuzzled close] /I love u, Thrax Roja/
Thrax; Love ya to Ozzy Jones-Roja