Episode 1
*a few hours later, there seemed to be no sound coming out of the bedroom*
Alexis; 8put Polly in her playpen then went to check on Miracle8
*the bedroom was empty, n the sheets n blanket messy*
Alexis; miracle? 8looked round8
*he was nowhere to be seen*
Alexis; 8called the others8
Hecro: *was breastfeeding the twins wen he called, n Dieter n Vincent were in the showers* Hello?
Alexis; Herco, it's Alexis
Hecro: Alex. Wht's wrong?
Alexis; Have ya seen Miracle?
Hecro: No, he hasnt shown up here. Wht happened?
Alexis; He's gone
Hecro: Gone? Whaddaya mean gone? Was he kidnapped? Or did he run out?
Alexis; Not really sure
Hecro: I'll try to ring the others, see where he is
Alexis; Thank you
Hecro: *hung up*
Dieter: *just got out* Somezing ze matter?
Hecro: Alexis called saying Miracle's missing
Vincent; Missing?
Hecro: Yeah, just up n gone
Vincent; He's probably still upset
Hecro: Yeah, bt u knw how Alex is, worrying abt him. N I worry abt him too, coz he's still in the healing process frm his miscarriage
Vincent; 8nods8
Hecro: I'll just go call the others first, just in case
Vincent; 8nods8
Hecro: *called Julius*
Julius; hello?
Hecro: Hey, Hecro here. Just wanna knw if Miracle has been ard ur plc
Julius; We haven't seen him today Hecro
Hecro: Damn, Alex said he went missing
Julius; What?!
Hecro: Yeah, abt 10 mins ago he called to ask us where he is
Julius; 8bit his lip8
Hecro: Well anyway, just chking. I'll try to find out frm the others
Julius; We'll call you if we see him
Hecro: Alright, thanks
Julius; 8hangs up8
Hecro: *continued calling others, all drawing a null
Vincent; 8bit his lip8
Hecro: Man, this is evn more worrying
Vincent; 8nods8 Where could he be?
Hecro: Beats me, bt I hope we find him soon before Alex goes bonkers. He loves Miracle more than his own life
Vincent; 8nods8
Hecro: This is bad. Maybe I should call Thrax n Oz
Vincent; If the others haven't
Hecro: *dialed Thrax n Oz's house number*
Thrax; Hello?
Hecro: Hey, Thrax. Hecro here. Hv u seen Miracle ard? Is he at ur plc?
Thrax; No, haven't seen him today Hecro
Hecro: Man...This is bad
Thrax; what's wrong?
Hecro: Miracle's missing. Alex is looking for him evrywhere
Thrax; Oh no
Hecro: U can say tht again. Miracle is still in the healing process aftr the miscarriage, he cant travel far
Thrax; We'll keep a lookout
Hecro: Alright. Thanks
Thrax; Later 8hangs up8
Ozzie: Who was it?
Thrax; Hecro
Ozzie: Wassup?
Thrax; Miracle's missing
Ozzie: Wht?!
Thrax; Alexis left him alone for a while but when he went to check on him he was gone
Ozzie: *bit his lip* My money is on Eddie
Thrax; We're not sure if it's kidnapping or if Miracle ran away
Ozzie: We gotta find him, n soon
Thrax; 8nods8
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