TOYLB: Life in Deux-Season 5-4

Ozzie: *made his way to where Alexis' room is*

Alexis; 8was laying on the bed, passed out8

Ozzie: *went to him n stroke his face*

Thrax; 8sighed8

Ozzie: Alex is so not gonna like it once he's awake

Thrax; About?

Ozzie: Abt losing his child, as well as knwing who may the culprit be

Thrax; He already knows about the young one. that's why he flipped out

Ozzie: Yeah, bt he'll still be upset n flip out some more. N he's gonna be out for blood

Thrax; 8shuttered8

Ozzie: He's already crazy wen he's in heat. I dont dare to imagine him wen he's pissed

Thrax; Not good

Ozzie: Bt we're gonna hv to keep his head straight, remind him tht Miracle needs him the most right now

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: *turns to see Alexis* I think he's coming to

Alexis; 8groaned and opened his eyes8

Ozzie: *stroke his hair* Hey, Alex. How're u doing? U OK?

Alexis; 8sat up, rubbing his forehead8 What happened?

Ozzie: U went beserk mode wen u found out tht...well, Miracle had miscarried. We had to come n calm u dwn

Alexis; 8gripped his fist in anger8

Ozzie: Easy there, Alex. Easy. There's no use being pissed abt this. Miracle needs u the most right now, so keep a level head abt this

Alexis; 8took a deep breathe8

Ozzie: Now go n be with Miracle. We'll handle this for now

Alexis; 8nods, getting up and went to his mate8

Miracle: *was hving a bit of night terrors abt the incident n was whimpering in his sleep*

Ozzie: I think we should take our leave now n get to the bottom of this

Thrax; 8nods8

*the couple left, while Miracle was still sobbing in his sleep with his night terrors*

Alexis; 8held him close8

Miracle: *his eyes snapped open as he hyperventilated*

Alexis; 8stroked his hair8

Miracle: *sees him n sobs hard* I'm sorry~!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry~!!!

Alexis; It's not your fault

Miracle; Bt...Bt I...I killed our baby...!! I wasnt careful, n I killed our baby...I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry~!! *sobs*

Alexis; You didn't but someone did, you were pushed

Miracle: I...I knw tht...Bt...Bt still...I could've...I could've... *sobs reli hard in Alexis' arms*

Alexis; 8rubbed his back8

Miracle: Its...Its Trinity all ovr again...How...How could this happen...

Alexis; The others will find who did this

Miracle: *nods n sobs, tho not so much anymore*

Alexis; 8soothed him8

Miracle: W...Where's our baby...? Is it...a boy or girl...?

Alexis; I'm not sure my song bird

Miracle: Can...Can u find out for me? I...wanna at least give it a name so we can bury it

Alexis; 8nods and to look for the dotor8


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