TOYLB: Life in Deux-Season 4-14

Ricardo: *woke up another hour or so n searched for Milagro* Mi...Milagro...? W...Where is our baby...?

Antonio; Asleep in his crib

Ricardo: *sighed in relief* How long was I out?

Antonio; A few hours

Ricardo: Wow, tht long huh?

Antonio; 8nods8

Ricardo: *remembered* Oh, who's...gonna be our wetnurse, since I cant...

Antonio; Ozzy volenteered

Ricardo: Oh? Is he...reli OK with it? U knw, aftr wht happened to him...?

Antonio; That I am not sure of

Ricardo: Well since he volunteered, I guess he's OK

Antonio; 8nods8

Ricardo: I take it the rest of the guys came ovr n visited?

Antonio; They did

Ricardo: How were they receiving Milagro?

Antonio; 8smiled8 Like a duck to water

Ricardo: *chuckles* I'm glad they're happy to see Milagro

Antonio; So am I

*the baby walkie-talkie sounded, seems like the twins were in the nursery n they were giggling at Milagro*

Antonio; 8rolled his eyes and went to the nursery8

*the twins were clambering up on the crib, their little feet dangling in the midair as they both peeked in to see their new addition to the family*

Antonio; 8picked the up8

Twins: *whined* Ninyo~! Ninyo~! I want ninyo~!

Antonio; Let yor brother be you two

Twins: Aww~ *pouts*

Antonio; 8carried them out8

Ricardo: *has gotten out of bed to get something to drink* The twins bothering Milagro?

Carlos: No bother!

Juanita: Saying hello!

Antonio; Surprised he didn't wake up

Ricardo: *chuckles* They're just excited to finally meet their new sib, is all. Tho I must say, he is going to be much larger than both them once he's bigger, since he was taken past extraction time

Antonio; 8nods8

Ricardo: *smiled* I'm so glad our baby is safe. For a moment I thought I was going to lose it again. I dunno wht I'd do if he was...

Antonio; 8kissed him8 He's safe that's what matters

Ricardo: *nods n kissed him bk* Thank u

Antonio; 8purred8

Ricardo: *hears Milagro crying for milk* Looks like our baby's hungry again

Antonio; Ozzy left afew bottle here 8went to get them8

Ricardo: *nods n went to pick up Milagro*

Juanita: Why baby cry?

Carlos: Is baby painful?

Antonio; 8came in with a warm bottle8 He's just hungry

Ricardo: *takes the bottle* Thanks. Here u go, my little ninyo *guides the bottle nipple to his mouth*

Milagro; 8drank hungrily8

Ricardo: *smiled as he hummed while feeding him*

Twins: *watch in fascination as their brother fed*

Antonio; 8smiled softly8


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