Episode 11
*meanwhile, it was opening day for Frank's Diner in the new restaurant building, n as soon as doors were open, customers regular n new came flowing in*
Leah; 8was already busy in the kitchen8
Miracle: *going ard taking orders with his roller skates at the dwnstairs dining floor*
Ricardo: *since everyone was at work now (including Julius n Morty who pitched in to work in the restaurant) n no one is babysitting the kids, he walked ard doing chores with one of the twins on a baby carrier on his bk*
Takashi: *in charge of the bar along with Alexis, though he learnt his lesson n stayed sober*
Alexis; 8helped Takashi but kept an eye on Miracle8
Ricardo: *grinned at Antonio who was carrying the other twin on his bk wen the little spawn pulled at his hair while taking order*
Morty: *making use of Excalibur, he was in charge along with some of the new staff to do groceries or catering, saving costs on transport*
8Griffin and Sapphire helped out as well8
*Sakura n Rory will use Griffin n Sapphire to ride while helping to bring in the drinks, while the other kids helped with taking orders or entertaining the guests while they wait for their order*
Miracle: *was still more or less the attraction of the restaurant. Despite his scars n his pregnancy, he still managed to hv a whole hoard of admirers both men n women alike*
Alexis; 8gave a low growl8
Takashi: Moh~! Get bk to work, Alexis oni-san *whacked his head*
Alexis; hissed8
Dieter: * helped out in the kitchen along with Orion, altho he tends to hide away to make calls or text to Vincent*
Leah; 8shook her head8
Takashi: *occasionally steals look in the kitchen n sees Orion, then blush n look away quickly whenevr he was caught staring*
Alexis; 8rolled his eyes8
Takashi: *glared at him*
*the phones were ringing quite off the hook as ppl either called for reservations or for catering, n tht was Julius' job*
Julius; 8despite all the calls kept a calm manner8
*all in all, it was a rather interesting restaurant with ppl frm all walks of life were there, both the staff n the customers, virus, germs and cells alike*
8Sakura and Rory, despite their young age, caught the eyes of other young viruses8
Ricardo: *sees it n shook his head in amazement*
*the other kids caught some young viruses' eyes as well, bt Kiaran n Ozzex were all abt Sally still*
Sally; 8ignored the two of them8
* one of the young virus took the rose frm the vase on the table n leaned dwn to pass it to Sakura*
Sakura; 8looked at the other virus8
*the young virus smiled, he looks like abt 3 yrs older than her as he handed her the flower, while his parents just sniggered knowingly*
Sakura; 8blushed, taking the rose8
*the young virus smiled, then turn to his parents to ask for paper n pencil before writing his name n home number for her*
Sakura; 8looked at it8
Griffin: *nudged her to accept it*
Sakura; 8took the paper8 Thank you
Virus: *smiled* Welcome *went bk to his eating with his parents*
Sakura; 8left to continue her duties8
Twins: *giggled* Aww, Sakura getting a boy~friend~!
Rory; 8hissed8
Ozzex: Alright, alright, get bk to work now
Ricardo: *hears his little girl on his bk hungry n took her to the kitchen to feed her*
Leah; 8showed him to the tale in the back of the kitchen8
Ricardo: *sees Antonio coming in* Carlos hungry too?
Antonio; Yeah 8chuckles8 they both have the same appitites
Ricardo: C'mere, baby *carries Carlos off Antonio's bk n made them some oatmeal n heated up some of Hecro's milk he got frm the fridge at home*
Antonio; 8returned to duty 8
Ricardo: *sat the twins on high chair n fed them*
Dieter: *sees him* Ah, ze chiddlerz lunch time?
Leah; Ja everyone needs to eat
Ricardo: Yeah, bt the kids need to eat first
Leah; 8nods8 They're still growing
Dieter: Zpeaking of chiddlerz, vere iz ze ozer chiddlers?
Leah; Ztill out zere I vink
Dieter: I vill bring zem in *went out n gathered the kids* C'mon, chiddlerz, lunch time
8the kids came in8
Ricardo: Hey kids. I think Orion still hv extras frm the cooking. U can go get it frm him
Kids; Hai 8went over to the virus8
Ricardo: *continued feeding the twins, nuzzling them*
Leah; 8kept at her work8
*the kids got the extras frm Orion n brought their food to where the Perez twins were n ate*
Sakura; 8had only a small portion8
Kiaran & Ozzex: *wolfed dwn theirs*
Rory; 8had the same as Sakura8
Twins: *nibbled at their corn*
Leah; 8smiled at them8
Takashi: *came in to get something to eat n shyly approached Orion* K...Konichiwa, Orion-san...
Orion; 8smiled at him8
Takashi: A...Anno...Anything for a snack there, Orion-san?
Orion; 8passed him a small bowl of noodles8
Takashi: A...Arigato *takes the noodles, then leans ovr to kiss Orion on the cheek before running away with it, blushing like hell*
Leah; 8rolled her eyes8
*all the other cooks whistled at Orion to tease him*
Leah; Alvight enough
Takashi: *went to one side to eat his noodles*
Leah; 8quickly wolfed her's8
*the phone rang at Julius' table for reservation*
Julius; Good afternoon, Frank's Diner
Ozzie: Hey, Jules! How's it hanging?
Julius; Oh, hey Ozzy business is booming
Ozzie: I can tell frm the hubbub going on there. So is there room for me n Thrax? We'd like to hv lunch
Juilius; Had a feeling you'd say that so I reserved ahead
Ozzie: Awesome. We'll be here in abt 15 mins
Julius; Sure, see you then
Ozzie: Alright *hangs up*
Morty: *approaches him with some food* Here, lovebug, ur lunch
Julius; Oh, thanks
Morty: How's ur day so far?
Julius; Not too bad
Morty: I see the phone's been ringing off the hook
Julius; No kidding
Morty: Shows we're doing well *chuckle*
Julius; 8smiled8
Morty: I made tht for u, I hope u like the taste
Julius; 8blushed slightly8
Morty: Try it, n see if its nice
Julius; 8took a bite and went dreamy eyed8
Morty: I take it I got the green light? *chuckles*
Julius; I haven't had anything like this in so long
Morty: Tht's nice. I just thought to give u the best I can. I hope its to ur liking
Julius; 8smiled8 It is 8kissed him gently8
Morty: *kissed him bk, then looks up* Ah, I see ur reservation has arrived*
Ozzie: *spots Julius n waved at him*
Julius; 8waved back8
Ozzie: So, where's our seat? *was walking in hand in hand with Thrax*
Julius; Come with me 8he lead them to a window over looking great scenery8
Ozzie: *looked out* Wow...Nice digs. Thanks, Jules
Thrax; Great view
Julius: 8smiled8
Ozzie: *looks thru the menu*
Thrax; 8looks through his as well8
Ozzie: I think I'll order Set Lunch A
Thrax; Daily special looks good
Ozzie: Cool, u ready to order?
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzie: *sees Ricardo n waved for him*
Thrax; They've really made a reputation for themselves
Ozzie: I totally agree
Ricardo: Hey guys, ready to order?
Thrax; Si, set lunch A for Ozzy and Daily special for me
Ricardo: *writes it dwn* Coming right up. Ur kids were a reli big help as well here. Tho they're getting their share of young admirers
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
Ozzie: Haha, tht sounds interesting. Our kids already a love magnet
Ricardo: *chuckles* They're having lunch at the bk of the kitchen, so u can see them wen ur done eating
Thrax; thanks.
Ricardo: *walks off to ring the order to the kitchen*
Leah; 8quickly sorted the order8
Ozzie: *while waiting* I got the text frm Sprite. He say he'll make the house call ard 10pm tonight. I can get off class early, bt r u able to get off work by then, Thrax?
Thrax; Yes of course
Ozzie: Paul needs all the support we can give him right now
Thrax; 8nods8
*their order came in*
Thrax; Thanks
Ozzie: *thanked the waiter as well n ate* Mmm~! Tastes delicious as ever
Thrax; 8ate some of his8 You're right, great as always.
Ozzie: *while eating, sees tht the kids had finished their lunch hour n was working* Aww, look at Rory, taking orders riding Sapphire
Thrax; 8looked over8
*the kids were abt their businesses, Sakura & Rory on their dogs walking ard helping to take orders, n Kiaran having Ozzy on his shoulder so he could reach the customers to get their order, while the twin girls helped carried drinks*
Thrax; 8chuckled8
Ozzie: They're just so cute *chuckles*
Thrax; 8smiled8
Twins: *sees them* Mama~! Papa~! *ran to their parents aftr giving the customer their drinks*
Thrax; 8scooped them up8
Twins: *nuzzled their father* We're vry busy today~! We did so much things~!
Ozzie: Reli? Tht's wonderful!
Thrax; All of you are doing a great job
Twins: *gives them a toothy grin*
Ozzie: Wht did u do today?
Twins: We helped pick orders, carry drinks, help entertain other kids while the adult hv their hands full...oh! N also getting flowers~!
Ozzie: Flowers?
Twins: Yup. Look how much flowers we got~! *showed them their bag all the roses they got frm their admirers who took them frm the decor on the dining table*
Thrax; 8smirked8 Who's caught the most eyes of any of you?
Twins: Sakura~!
Ozzie: *chuckles* Wow, femme fatale huh?
Thrax; Sakura? 8shook his head8 She's not the type
Twins: Still~! She got more flowers than ours combined~! *giggled*
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
Ozzie: Well, at least u kids r settling dwn n keeping urselves busy.
Twins: *giggled*
Thrax; 8looked over at Rory8
Ozzie: *looked as well, to see Rory being spied on by little girl admirers*
Thrax; Good grief
Ozzie: We've given them pretty good physical genes, tht's for sure
Thrax; 8chuckled8
Ozzie: *finished his food* Nnnm tht was delicious
Thrax; 8wiped his mouth8 It really was
Ozzie: We're gonna go now, darlings. *kissed the twins* Hv a good time at work. We'll cya soon
Twins: Cya later, Mama, Papa *kissed them on the cheeks*
Thrax; 8kissed the girls' foreheads8 Be good 8apped his arm round his mate8
Twins: Hai~! *waved goodbye to them as they took their payment*
Thrax; 8lead his mate out8
Ozzie: *kissed Thrax once they were out before going bk to college*
Thrax; 8kissed him back then headed back to work8