Episode 1
*soon it was morning, n the first to wake was Spryman, who got up with a headache*
Thrax; Hmm? 8when to see what was going on8
Spryman: *hobbled to the bathroom to get cleaned, only hv nausea ovr yesterday's incident n hurled in the toilet bowl*
Thrax; 8came in and rubbed his back8
Spryman: *finished puking n massaged his temples* Oh Hector. Wht happened to me? I feel like I just had a hangover or something...
Thrax; Easy now
Spryman: Ugh...I cant remember a thing...I remember Hector was masturbating, n I had to witness his first ejaculation...then I got caught on some wire n...then...nada... *massaged his head*
Thrax; 8bit his lip8
Spryman: Wait...How did I evn get home...?
Thrax; Your driver brought you home
Spryman: Oh...OK...Did he say wht happened to me...?
Thrax; 8nodded8
Spryman: *waited for the punchline* ...Well?
Thrax; You were told what goes on at this 'event' right/
Spryman: Umm... *scratched his head, trying to remember* Yeah, I guess. Something abt splitting ur body to give out ur genes of the city to the nxt generation...
Thrax; 8hung his head8
Spryman: U...U mean tht's wht happened to me last night...?
Thrax; 8nods8 One of the cords caught round your leg
Spryman: I...I remember tht, bt the rest I couldnt... *had a minor flashbk of seeing his double* Oh Hector...It cant be... *covered his face with his hands*
Thrax; 8held him close8
Spryman: *trembled* Tht...Tht was me...no...my son...N...N he's out there...for nothing...I...I killed him...
Thrax; You didn't
Spryman: Yes, I did! Hector was masturbating! He wasnt having sex! He was wanking himself! I sent my son to be wiped dwn with tissue paper! I sent him out for nothing! I killed him!
Thrax; Paul that's enough
Spryman: *bit his lip, then his tears starting pouring*
Thrax; 8held him close8
Spryman: *cried out loud in Thrax's arms*
Ozzie: *woke up to find Thrax not beside him, n found him in Spryman's bathroom, n figured out wht had happened*'
Thrax; 8stroked his son's hair8
Ozzie: *leaned against the door*
Spryman: *looks up to see Ozzie n got up, running to Ozzie* Momma~! *sobs*
Ozzie: Shh, shh, shh, s'ok, baby, s'ok...
Thrax; 8stood up8
Ozzie: *looked up at him, giving him the "U told him?" knwing look*
Thrax; 8nodded8
Ozzie: Shh...S'ok, baby, it's ovr. Its not ur fault, baby. Shh... *carried him bk to his room n rocked him in his arms*
Thrax; 8leaned on the doorframe8
Spryman: *sobs in Oz's arms bitterly*
Ozzie: Shh...S'ok, baby...Shh, just rest, OK? I'll call ur secretary to say u called in sick. Just rest *tucked him into bed*
Thrax; He'll need his rest
Ozzie: Yeah I knw *stroke Spryman's hair until he fell asleep before kissing his forehead n went to make the call*
Thrax; 8went to get dressed8
Ozzie: *aftr done doing the call, got dressed as well n made breakfast before dashing to school*
8everyone else soon got up as well8
Ricardo: *yawned n got himself some coffee before tending to his twins*
Dieter: *smiling at his cell phone wen he got a Good Morning text frm Vincent*
Antonio; 8rolled his eyes8
Miracle: *was already aiming for breakfast, bt the weird thing was tht no matter how much he ate, he didnt look fat, as if the food was all absorbed into the child*
Alexis; 8kissed his cheek8
Miracle: *giggled at the kiss*
Hecro: *yawned as he was the last to come dwn* Mornin', everyone. Hey, baby *leans close to kiss Maximus*
Maximus; 8kised him gently8
Drix: *came dwn along with Leah n noticed someone missing* Where's Paul?
Thrax; Still in bed, let him be
Drix: *shrugs* Alright. So who's having the late shift tonight? Me or u?
Thrax; I am
Drix: U again? U seemed to be getting a lot of late shifts lately
Thrax; 8shrugs8
Drix: Hmm... *chked his schedule* Looks like I'm taking the aftrnoon shift, so I'm quite free till then. I was thinking of looking for a good plc to set up a proper restaurant for Frank's Diner
Leah; Drix jou don't 'ave to do that
Drix: Of course I do. U've been overworked hving to drive the trailer ard n setting up shop everywhere. It's abt time u all settle dwn on a plc where the customers come to u, not u go to them *kissed Leah on the cheek*
Dieter: Ve definitely vould need zat. Ve already earned enough zo afford vone
Leah; 8bit her lip8
Drix: Dont worry. I'll find a good one for u, darling. So, anyone wanna come with me?
Alexis; I will
Ricardo: *was a little relieved tht Alexis is volunteering, since Alexis was beginning to scare the customers with his possessive temper*
Drix: Alright. Anyone else? We could always use a second opinion
Antonio; I'm in, I need to stretch my legs
Drix: Alright. Three of us then. Shall we make a move?
Antonio; Si
Drix: *went to get the car before letting Alexis n Antonio in*
Alexis; 8jumped in8
Antonio; 8got in as well8
Drix: *drove ard the block to search*
Antonio; 8looked round8
Drix: See anything potential, guys?
Alexis; Not yet
Drix: *drove all the way dwn to the Spinal Cord District, somewhere near where Oz was schooling*
Antonio; Hmmm. . .
Drix: *passed by an area which was abt a few blocks away frm the college, n saw an abandoned building tht had a sign saying FOR SALE*
Alexis; 8loked at it8
Drix: Shall we give this a lookabt? *parked the car in front of the building*
Antonio; 8got out8
Drix: *tried the door n it wasnt locked, so he went inside to chk it out*
Alexis; 8fallowed closely8
Drix: *looked ard the area carefully, scratching his chin*
Antonio; 8examed the structure8
*the whole area looked like it used to be a restaurant, with upstairs n dwnstairs fit for dining, n evn a balcony for open-air dining, n it had a big kitchen n evn a bar counter for just drinks, n it looked like there was a stage for live performances during dinner. It looked almost perfect*
Drix: *seemed impressed with it*
Alexis; 8whistled in amazement8
Drix: Well, looks like we dont hv to put too much effort on renovating or anything
Antonio; Fix up the cracks, maybe some new paint
Drix: N need to touch up the stairs as well *seeing the cracks ard the edge*
Alexis; Some of the firniture needs to be replaced
Drix: N they definitely need new lights for this
Antonio; But the place'll look fantasica once it's done
Drix: Totally. Leah would definitely be happy abt this. Let's bring the rest of the guys in here to chk it out later
Antonio; 8nods8
Drix: We should probably fine the previous owner of this plc to talk business ownership
Alexis; Doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while
Drix: *chked the FOR SALE label n saw the phone number n address of the previous owner* Maybe this'll help
Antonio; Worth a try
Drix: *takes dwn the number n address before getting bk into the car*
8the others fallowed8
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