TOYLB: Trials & Tribulations- Season 7-1

*a mth has passed since Ricardo gave birth to Sofia n during tht time, Klepta has been struggling a little to juggle fatherhood n his career, bt thankfully he had his siblings to help. It was a bit of a hassle tho bcoz he had to go bk n forth to the milk bank to get fresh breastmilk frm there n it was wearing him out*

Klepta; *groaned as he slumped onto the couch aftr his last trip to the milk bank*

Ambrose: *rocking Edi to sleep* Seriously, bro. U shouldnt carry the whole burden by urself. U should totally hire a wetnurse/nanny. U knw we can afford it

Latina; Ya sure

Lavinia: Yeah, I mean Klepta did say he wanted to be fully responsible as a dad

Ambrose: Not to the point where he wears himself like this. Hv u guys forgotten the time he was so sleepy n tired tht he tripped ovr my percussion set n landed face first into my drums?

Latina; Took us time to replace em

Rodeo: *rolled his eyes* No kidding

Klepta: Dude, I'm right here u knw

Ambrose: Then u listen good, Klept. I'm calling a wetnurse/nanny right now. If I hv to pay it thru my own pocket, so be it. It'll prolly be way much cheaper than trying to replace my percussion set. N tht's final *passes the sleeping Edi to Lavatnia* Here, sis. Tuck her in while I make the call

Lavatina; 8nodded n took the little one out8

Lavinia: *followed her sister to help*

Ambrose: *made the call*

Rodeo: *brought Klepta an ice-pack for his headache*

Klepta: Uuuuggghhh...

Voice; Nightfall Nannies

Ambrose: Hi, name's Ambrose frm the Biotics. I'd like to hire one of ur nannies for my niece. Preferably who can be a wetnurse as well since the baby is still nursing. U think u can get us one with tht qualification?

Voice; Well some laxitation pills will do the job for one of ours

Ambrose: I prefer it natural bt if u think its best, then sure. Wen can I expect him/her?

Voice; She'll be with you tomorrow, if I could have your address

Ambrose: *gave her the address*

Klepta: *listened in while hving the ice pack on his head*

Voice; Anything else sir?

Ambrose: Just another thing: We'd like this wetnurse/nanny to be a live-in wif us if tht's OK with u guys

Voice; Of course

Ambrose: Tht'll be all then. Thanks *hangs up*

Lavatina; Least that's all sorted

Ambrose: Yup, n dont u give them a hard time wen they arrive, Klept

Klepta: *groaned begrudgingly as he slumped bk to the couch*

Rouge; 8rolled his eyes8


TOYLB: Trials & Tribulations- Season 6-9

Takashi: *was still up finishing a client's order*

Orion; 8wrapped his arms round him8

Takashi: *looks up* Hey, Ori-chan. Ur not in bed yet?

Orion; Not without you cherry blossom

Takashi: I'm almost finished *hears Renai crying for her milk* Oh, Renai-chan harahata ne (Renai is hungry)

Orion; Go on I'll finish up

Takashi: *nodded hesitantly n went to the nursery, bt he stood there before the crib, unsure n hesitant to move to pick Renai up*

Orion; Taka?

Takashi: *hugged himself tight as he continued to stare at the wailing spawn*

Orion; 8came in8 Takashi

Takashi: *was sobbing*

Orion; 8picked up their daughter8

Takashi: *shakes his head* Yada...I...I cant do this... *sobs hard as he bked against a corner*

Orion; Takashi

Takashi: *sobs, still feels the guilt evrytime he sees Renai*

Orion; Takashi she needs you

Takashi: *bit his lip as he looked at Renai, bawling hard, looking so desperate n hungry* R-Renai-ch-chan... *his arms unconsciously reached for her*

Orion; 8gently handed her over8

Takashi: *sobs as he undid his shirt n let her feed* Gomenasai...Gomenasai, Renai-chan... *sits on the rocking chair as he continued to nurse her, tho his tears still fell*

Orion; 8stood next to him8

Takashi: Gomenasai...Ori-chan...I can't help it...Wen I see Renai-chan...I would...I would think abt Ramon-san...Abt...Abt wat he did to me...

Orion; I know your angry but that gives it no right to be angry at her

Takashi: *shook his head* Okotte inai yo... (I'm not angry) I'm...I'm sad... I feel guilty... Guilty for hving a child...tht's not urs...G-Gomenasai, I shouldnt think things like tht, bt its not easy for me...I was taught vry hard tht way...

Orion; 8rolls his eyes8

Takashi: *lowered his head in shame, holding Renai close*

Orion; Not every teaching is the right one

Takashi: *bit his lips, whimpering; it wasn't the time to rub it in, he needed comfort*

Renai: *whined a little in the middle of her feeding, as if supporting the notion*

Orion; 8held them8

Takashi: *leaned against him n sobbed quietly*

Orion; 8nuzzles him8

Takashi: *sees Renai finished feeding n burped her*

Orion; 8stroked her hair8

Takashi: *rocked her bk to sleep n put her in the crib, then turned to hug Orion, still sobbing a little*

Orion; 8held him close, nuzzling him9

Takashi: Gomenasai... Honto ni gomenasai... (I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...)

Orion; It's ok cherry blossom

TOYLB: Trials & Tribulations- Season 6-8

Hecro: *was staying up late doing his work*

Maximus; 8brought him a drink8

Hecro: *nodded quietly at the drink n continued working*

Hecra: *motioned Maximus to come ovr at one corner, hidden out of Hecro's view*

Maximus; 8joined him8

Hecra: *whispers* Dont u realize tht Hecro's been reli too into his work lately? Wen was the last time we evr saw him had a real good night's rest?

Maximus; 8shook his head8

Hecra: I can't help feeling tht...he's behaving just like how Oz behaved...wen he lost Vivian in the miscarriage wen Edison was still evil

Maximus; 8bot his lip7

Hecra: Wat should we do?

Maximus; 8tried to think8

Hecra: *rubbed his chin* We need to snap him out of this. Maybe, I dunno, break him a little

Maximus; 8winced8

Hecra: I dont mean something harsh or violent, I meant...well, doing something Thrax did to Oz. I remember Oz telling it to me n Hecro one day during teatime aftr he had gotten ovr grieving for Vivian...tht...well *whispered to Maximus abt the sex Thrax gave Oz to snap him out of it*

Maximus; 8blushed8

Hecra: Do u think we should give it a shot at least? *blushed a little as well*

Maximus; Would it work/

Hecra: Its worth a try

Maximus; 8nods8

Hecra: *grins n ushered Maximus gently towards Hecro's direction* I'll leave it to u then. I'll take care of the kids

Maximus; 8inhaled deeply8

Hecra: *gives Maximus a good luck kiss on the cheek n left*

Hecro: *still engrossed with his work at the computer*

Maximus; 8waked up t him8

Hecro: *barely realized he's there as he sipped absentmindedly at the drink he gave him, not evn realizing it has gone cold*

Maximus; 8nipped his ear8

Hecro: *gasped a little n spun round* C-Chris! Wat r u...?

Maximus; 8srated kissing his neck8

Hecro: No! C-Chris, I'm not in the mood...! I-I need to work...! *gripped his sleeves, bt he doesnt seem like he was resisting a lot*

Maximus; 8traced his body8

Hecro: No...Pls don't... *gripped again, his resolve seeming to falter*

Maximus; 8nipped his neck8

Hecro: *tears start to flow as he whined frm the nip* Pls...Pls...No...Pls forgive me...

Maximus; 8started rubbing him8

Hecro: *started sobbing hard* Pls...Pls forgive me... Don't punish me with ur pity...

Maximus; 8nuzzles n kissed him8

Hecro: *kissed him bk, still sobbing, tho he has stopped resisting already*

Maximus; 8carried him to the bed8

Hecro: *whined as he spread himself for him; in all honesty he hadn't had sex for so long since the miscarriage*

Maximus; 8started undressing them8

Hecro: *went on all fours n took Maximus' cock in his mouth*

Maximus; 8moaned8

Hecro: *held onto Maximus' hips as he continued sucking n licking, lubing it up for his entry*

Maximus; 8shuttered8

Hecro: *pulled off with a pop n went doggy style, his ass at Maximus* G-Give it to me...Pls...

Maximus; 8eased into him8

Hecro: *gasped in pleasure at his entry*

Maximus; 8thrusted deep8

Hecro: *moaned out loud, gripping the sheets*

Maximus; 8thrysted harder8

Hecro: *covered his mouth to muffle his screams of pleasure*

Maximus; 8picked up speed8

Hecro: *screamed louder n higher until he lost it n came all ovr the sheets*

Maxmius; 8threw his head back as he relised8

Hecro: *pants hard, slumped onto the bed n silently sobbing*

Maximus; 8lay next to him n held him8

Hecro: *sobs* U...U shouldnt hv come inside me...I...I might get pregnant...N...N I might lose our child again... *sobs hard*

Maximus; 8held him close8

Hecro: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Chris... *sobs in his arms* Pls forgive me...

Maximus; 8whispered sweet words8

Hecro: *cried until he fell asleep in his arms*

Maximus; 8tucks him in8

Hecra: *comes in quietly* All good, love?

Maximus; 8smirks8

Hecra: *joins in the bed, cuddling against Maximus* So, how's he? How did he take it?

Maximus; Without question but he thought I was punishing him8

Hecra: *sighs* One thing we're similar wif Oz, I'm afraid. We both often think tht the world's burdens r on our shoulders

Maximus; 8kissed him8

Hecra: Is he OK with u coming inside him? *he could tell frm experience8

Maximus; 8sighs8

Hecra: Guess not. Let's hope he'll be OK in the morning *kissed Maximus' lips* U did the right thing, love

Maximus; I hope so

TOYLB: Trials & Tribulations- Season 6-7

*late tht night, as the City of Goliath slept, Julius' family were awoken by the familiar crying of the two new addition in the family*

Morty: Nnnhh... *sat up* Is it feeding time already...?

Julius; 8stretched out before getting up8

Morty: Its alright. Stay. I'll get them for u *gets out of bed n made his way to the nursery* There, there, Daddy's here *carries the twins bk into their master bedroom* Here they r

Julius; 8lowered his shirt8

Morty: *passed the twins one by one to Julius*

Julius; 8allowed the twins to nurse, humming softly8

Morty: *lay nxt to him, propping his head as he watched his mate nurse their little spawns* U look so beautiful, lovebug

Julius; 8blushed8

Morty: N u gave birth to beautiful babies too. I'm still so impressed u were carrying twins all this time

Julius; 8smiled softly8

Morty: Aida was totally ecstatic to hv a bro n a sis to play with *chuckles*

Julius; 8giggles8

*the twins had their fill n fell asleep*

Julius; 8nuzzles them, purring softly8

Morty: I'll bring them bk to the nursery room *takes them gently*

8the twins curled into him8

Morty: *hushed them as he brought them bk to the nursery room n tucked them in*

Julius; 8lay back8

Morty: *comes bk with a malt drink* Here, lovebug. U need to replenish urself aftr nursing. I read somewhere tht a mother burns 500 calories a day at least frm nursing

Julius; 8took the glass8 Thank you 8sips it slowly8

Morty: Leah told me to take as long maternity leave as u need until ur properly settled with the twins

Julius; Is she sure/

Morty: *nods* We've hired a few new permanent workers, they can fill in ur shoes for the time being

Julius; 8nods8

Morty: *tucks Julius in n cuddles against him* I love u, my little lovebug

Julius; 8softly8 Love you to

TOYLB: Trials & Tribulations- Season 6-6

*the recording carried on more or less without incident, tho Nick occasionally tries to tease Miracle*

Alexis; 8growled8

*the day ended with the recording almost half done*

Lexington: Alright, ppl. Tht's a wrap for now!

Nick: Great show today there, Nightingale

Miracle: Yeah, yeah, sorta

Alexis; 8came up some tonic water8

Miracle: *takes the tonic water n sips it*

Nick: U reli should reconsider ur hook up wiht tht dog. It's not healthy

Miracle: I told u, we're not hooked up. We're married. There's a difference, numbskull

Alexis; 8glares8

Nick: Offer still stands, pretty thing

Miracle: Let's get outta here, Alex

Nick: Btw, I dont suppose u knw someone by the name Ricardo Amino, do u?

Miracle: *almost froze at tht name*

Alexis; 8felt his spires prick8

Nick: U do knw him, don't u?

Miracle: I dont knw wat ur talking abt.

Nick: Riiiight, well, either way, just tell him I said 'Hi'

Alexis; 8snarled8

Miracle: Watevr *left the studio with Alexis*

Alexis; 7followed him8

*they both got into the car*

Miracle: How does he knw abt Uncle Ricky?

Alexis; Not sure songbird

Miracle: Could he be Uncle Ricky's old fling?

Alexis; Antonio might know

Miracle: Should we ask him?

Alexis; If he wishes to talk

Miracle: Lemme text him, ask him out for tea or something

Alexis; 8nods8

Miracle: *texted* Hey, Uncle Toni, u free? Lets hv tea.

Antonio; 8texted8 My shift ends in an hr

Miracle: *texted* Cool. How's ur new baby doing?

Antonio; 8texted8 Doing great, she's a flower child

Miracle: *texted* Awesome. Cya soon. *turns to Alexis* He said he can meet in an hr

Alexis; 8nods8

*an hr later, they met up at a nearby cafe*

Miracle: *sat with Alexis at a corner seat*

Antonio; 8soon joined them8

Miracle: Hey, Uncle Toni. How's Uncle Ricky n the baby?

Antonio; They're both doing well

Miracle: Got a pic I can see?

Antonio; 8showed him8

Miracle: *looks at it* Aww~ Isnt she precious~! She looks just like u, Uncle Toni

Antonio; 8blushed8

Miracle: Actually we're here to ask u abt something

Antonio; Oh?

Miracle: *told Antonio abt Nick n his comment on Ricardo*

Antonio; 8went pale8

Miracle: Do u knw anything abt Nick-O-Teen? Or does Uncle Ricky?

Antonio; It's a private personal matter my boy

Miracle: Bt it seems tht Nick is trying to get to Uncle Ricky thru me. If he's gonna use me, I might as well find out

Antonio; 8was hesitant8

Miracle; *looks to Alexis hoping he could persuade his brother*

Alexis; There are some things that r kept private

Miracle: *sighed* Alright, I won't pressure u. Bt ur gonna hv to be careful with Nick. He's bad news

Antonio; 8sarcasticly8 Gee ya think

Miracle: He has been making passes at me for quite some time tho

Alexis; 8snarled8

Miracle: Seeing frm ur reaction, Uncle Toni, Nick also had made a pass to Uncle Ricky, didnt he?

Antonio; 8sighed8

Miracle: Just here to give u warning *finished his drink* Give my best to the family. We need to get bk to ours *pays the tab for evryone n left*

Alexis; 8ran after him8

Miracle: *once they got to the car, took Alexis' hand n brought him to the bk seat* Hate to be abrupt, bt I think we havent had enough of our little 'recreational' time *grins as he kissed him, fondling Alexis' cock*

Alexis; 8shivered8

Miracle: *kissed him deeply, pushing him dwn on the seat, rubbing his crotch against his mate's*

Alexis; 8moaned8

Miracle: *takes Alexis' boner out n started licking n sucking it*

Alexis; 8hissed8

Miracle: *took him deep in his throat, humming seductively*

Alexis; 8groaned8

Miracle: *sucked it until it was hard n wet, then straddled him n lowered his ass dwn onto Alexis' cock, burying it inside him* Nnnhh~

Alexis; 8grabbed his hiips8

Miracle: *pants as he started moving*

Alexis; 8thrusted deep8

Miracle: *bobbed up n dwn, moaning in pleasure*

Alexis; 8hissed8

Miracle: *leans dwn n kissed him deeply, his ass working its magic on Alexis' cock*

Alexis; 8traced his tongue in his mat's mouth8

Miracle: *hummed in pleasure, holding onto Alexis' cheeks, his ass bobbing up n dwn hard on his cock*

Alexis; 8thrusted deep8

Miracle: *squeaked as he felt his cock hitting his prostate*

Alexis; 8hissed n snarled8

Miracle: *bobbed evn harder, pushing in deeper n moaned evn louder, stroking himself at the same time*

Alexis; 8shuddered8

Miracle: *felt himself getting close n kissed Alexis deeply again, screaming his orgasm in his mouth as he came all ovr the both of them*

Alexis; 8roared as he relised8

Miracle: *groaned as he feels his warm cum filling him*

Alexis; 8collapsed under him8

Miracle: *purred as he pant with pleasure, nuzzling him* Mmm~ Ur amazing~

Alexis; 8nipped his nexk8

Miracle: *giggled n pecked his lips* I love u, my pet
Alexis; Love you to my songbird

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