TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-8

*they drove all the way home, n once they were home, Dieter brought the beggar boy to the bathroom n started up a bath*

Dominik: Mutter (mother), why is teef here?

Emily: Yeah, mutter, why we bring teef here?

Vincent; Be nice you two, he's had it rough

Dominik: Is teef going to be new bruder?

Emily: Nein, he is teef! He's not new bruder

Dieter: *looked a little surprised at their sudden conclusion*

Vincent; 8shrugged8

Dieter: *chuckles a little n starts cleaning the beggar boy up*

Twins: I want help

Vincent; 8arched a brow8

Twins: I want to help Vater (father)

Dieter: Let zem help. Eet'll keep zem buzy

Vincent; 8nods, setting them down8

Dieter: Eetz zier bathtime anyvays. Alright, chiddlers, undress n get in, n jou can help me scrub hiz bk

Dominik: *called shotgun n scrubbed the boy's bk*

Emily: *helped her father with washing the boy's hair*

Vincent; 8went; 8to get the lad some clothes8

Dieter: *hummed as he cleaned n rinsed the boy*

Vincent; 8made up a warm meal as well8

Dieter: Mein liebe, come n take ze boy n dry n dress him vhile I vash the other chiddlers

Vincent; 8came in and wrapped the lad in a warm towel before bringing him to the bedroom and dressed him8

Dieter: *washed the twins*

Boy: *whimpered a little n opened his eyes*

Vincent; 8stroked his hair8

Boy: *slowly gain consciousness n realized he's in unfamiliar hands, n started hissing n snarling, struggling in Vincent's arms*

Vincent; easy now

Boy: *wasnt listening, starting to whimper n wail, trying to get free frm Vincent*

Vincent; 8held him close, stroking his back8

Boy: *struggled for a while, whacking at Vincent before stopping slowly, sobbing in a whining tone*

Vincent; it's ok, you're safe now

Dieter: *finished cleaning the twins n came in with them* Eez evryzing OK?

Vincent; So far

Boy: *continues to cry n whimper*

Dieter: *patted the boy's bk* Zere, zere, zveetie, shh...

Vincent; 8nuzzled him8

Boy: *slowly calmed dwn his crying, allowing himself to be manhandled*

Dieter: Zere's a gutt chiddler, zere, zere

Twins: Mutter, vater, ve're hungry

Vincent; 8brought all three to the kitchen8

Boy: *was quite hesitant, looking ard warily n at the twins*

Twins: *tried to bond with him, tho Emily is still a little cautious of the boy*

Vincent; 8gave the lad something nice but easy on his stomach8

Boy: *took small bites at first, bt was practically starved as he started wolfing dwn the lot, barely chewing*

Vincent; Slowly now sweetie

Dieter: Dont vant jou to choke

Boy: *finished his food real quick, then hesitantly pushed the plate forward, with expectant eyes, as if wanting seconds*

Twins: *giggled at the way he ate, amused*

Vincent; 8got him another portion8

Boy: *waited for the plate to be filled, then started wolfing again*

Dieter: Poor chiddler. How long haz he been on ze ztreet, I vunder

Vincent; Wish I knew, could've been weeks/months by the way we found his parents

Dieter: Jou zink hiz parentz r homeless too?

Vincent; Hard to say

Dieter: He lookz like he'z half chickenpox or somezing. Eetz rare to zee a full-grown sentient chickenpox virus. All chickenpox I knew vas dose birds zey use for betting fights

Vincent; There could be rare humanoid cases

Dieter: *turns to the boy* Vay eez jour name, sveetie?

Boy: *looks up at him bt doesnt reply*

Vincent; 8bit his tonue7

Dieter: *doesnt push it n noticed the boy finished his food n asking for thirds*

Vincent; Are you sure you can handle more? I don't want you to get sick

Boy: *gives him pleading eyes, he was still hungry*

Dominik: U can hv mine *passed his food to him*

Emily: *copies her brother*

Vincent; 8smiled to them8

Boy: *nodded a thanks n took their share, eating a little slower now*

Vincent; 8ate his, only a small portion8

TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-7

*meanwhile, Dieter was busy with stocking up the learning section of the shop as the new semesters were piling in n students were busy getting new textbooks*

vincent; 8was sorting the crime section of the shop while watched th twins8

*the twins played tag n ran circles ard the amused students*

Vincent; 8rolled his eyes8

Dominik: *bumped into a young student n ended up dropping all the books on his head n started bawling*

Vincent; 8scooped him and cooed to him8

Emily: *whimpered, clinging onto Vincent's pants, wondering if her brother was alright*

Student: Oh, I'm so so sorry. Did I hurt him badly?

Vincent; 8looked his son over8

Dominik: *only a small bruise on the forehead*

Vincent; 8sighed in relief8

Student; *sighed in relief as well n picked up the rest of the books to be paid*

Dieter: *puts up a sign to direct those who want to get 2nd hand textbooks to the section*

Vincent; 8cradled the twins7

Dieter: *poked his head out* I heard crying. Eez zee tvins OK?

Vincent; Dominik bumped his head

Dieter: Oh, eez he hurt bad?

Vincent; Just a small bruise

Dieter: Aww, eez my little chiddler got a boo-boo? *kissed the bruise*

Dominik: *sniffled as he rubbed his nose*

Vincent; 8nuzzles him8

Emily: Boo-boo OK?

Dieter: Ja, boo-boo OK now, right, Dominik?

Dominik: *nods*

Vincent; 8kissed his forehead8

Dieter: *sees the long line of ppl paying for their textbooks at the cashier* Whew, I cant believe its already a new semester

Vincent; 8nods8

Dieter: Lots of new students. I vas expecting Thrax's chiddlers to be here tho, thought zey might shop as vell

Vincent; At some point

Dieter: Guez zey're a little occupied coz of Oz's condition

Vincent; 8nods8

Twins: *wanted to be let dwn*

Vincent; 8set them down8

Twins: *giggled n started going tag again*

Dieter: *shook his head n chuckled* Vry fiesty bunch

Vincent; 8chuckled8 They are

*the twins wound ard the students standing in line, amusing the students as they chuckled at the spawns' antics*

Vincent; 8sorted the customers8

*the twins continued to play abt until they saw a little boy tht looked like a beggar who was eyeing at the 2nd hand books, looking pensive*

Dominik: Nya!

Emily: He again!

Vincent; 8looked over8

*the beggar boy flinched at the kids n stuck his tongue at him, then snatched a book n ran*

Twins: Ah! Teef! (thief)

Vincent; 8darted after him8

Dieter: Woah *held onto the twins, so tht they dont follow their mother to chase*

Twins: Teef! Teef!

Beggar boy: *kept running into a dark corner of the street*

Vincent; 8looked round8

Beggar boy: *kept silent, hiding at his spot, bt his pet stray cat betrayed his position*

Vincent; Hold it

Beggar boy: *shocked n snarled, bking away, as if shielding some sort of mound behind him*

Vincent; Easy now

Beggar boy: *hissed; he looked like a mix breed, a small mix of red blood cell n chicken pox virus*

Dieter: *had followed aftr him aftr letting the workers in the shop take care of the twins* Mein liebe, vat did jou find?

Vincent; 8motioned to the boy8

Dieter: *peeks in* Woah! So zat's our little thief, eh? Vat eez zat behind him? *tries to tilt his head to see bt met with a snarl*

Vincent; Easy

Dieter: *timed his movements right n reached ovr to hit a pressure point, knocking the kid out, then noticed wat the mound reli was* Umm, I zink jou zhould call ze police. I zink eets ze chiddler's parents' dead bodies

Vincent; 8took out his cell and made the call8

Dieter: *carried the limp boy in his arms, seeing tht he was littered with food packagings n scraps, n the bodies were almost fully decomposed, n another corner showed tht there were a number of 2nd hand books tht he stole frm their shop* Vell, ze boy eez been buzy

Vincent; 8looked at the lad and bit his lip8

*the police soon came*

Eduardo: Wat's the situation?

Dieter: Dead bodies, I zink eetz ze boyz parentz. He either doeznt knw zey're dead or didnt vant to leave them alone

Eduardo: *chked the bodies* Yup, they're dead alright. I think illness n starvation got to them. The kid will hv to go to child services tho

Vincent; 8bit his tongue8

Dieter: Umm... *unconsciously held the boy a little closer n tighter* Do jou hv to? I meen...

Eduardo: Well, its the law here. Any unregistered child in the system tht has no parents will hv to be in child services

Vincent; 8looked unsure8

Dieter: can...take care of him, eef eets OK...? *looks at Vincent to see if its OK*

Vincent; 8nods8

Eduardo: Well, alright, u can take care of him, bt I still hv to send in child services to monitor n chk him up *allowed the coroners n CSI-s come in to collect the bodies*

*the cat the beggar boy owned purred, rubbing against Vincent's feet*

Vincent; 8scooped it up8

Eduardo: Alright, we'll take ur statements later in the day. We'll cya ard

Dieter: *nods n left the scene* Ve gotta get him clean now. Jou might vanna pick zose books up

Vincent; 8gathered them8

Dieter: *both went to the shop* Hey, Dave, bring ze chiddler here. Ve got an errand to run. Ve'll come bk soon. Watch ze shop?

Dave: Sure, boss *ushered the twins to their parents*

Vincent; 8set the books away and gathered the kids8

Dieter: *got the car n waited for them to get in*

Vincent; 8buckled the kids in and took his seat8

TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-6

*meanwhile, Takashi decided to stay home to look aftr their baby Tonbo since he was teething n being feverish n cranky*

Takashi: Sa, sa, shh... *cradles the wailing Tonbo who was in one of his moods again*

Orion; 8came with the twins8

Twins: Is Tonbo OK?

Takashi: Just cranky. He's gonna grow teeth soon, so bear with it, ne?

Orion; 8chuckled8

Twins: Aww, poor Tonbo-chan...

Takashi: Ah, I think I hv his pacifier in the fridge for a while, let him suck on it for a while

Orion; 8nods8

Takashi: Mind helping me take it, onegai (pls)?

Orion; Hai 8went to get it8

Takashi: *hushed n bounced Tonbo who was still cranky*

Orion; 8came back with the chilled pacifier

Takashi: Domo~ *takes the pacifier n pops it into the wailing Tonbo's mouth, in which he quiet dwn n suckled greedily, the coolness soothing him*

Orion; 8smiled8

Takashi: Sa, daijobu ne~? *kissed Tonbo's cheek n bounced him some more, in which Tonbo leaned against his mother's shoulder, suckling hard at the pacifier*

Orion; 8stroked his hair8

Tonbo: *suckles more n slowly drops off to sleep*

Takashi: Aww, he's so tired, crying his head out n all tht, ne, Tonbo-chan~? *patted his bk n lulled him*

Orion; 8chuckled8

Takashi: *brings the baby to the nursery n tucked him in*

Orion; 8smiled at the twins8

Twins: *climbed n hung onto the crib, looking dwn at their brother who's sleeping soundly*

Orion; 8picked them up8 Let him sleep now

Twins: Naw~ *pouts as they hung limply, like boneless, in Orion's arms as a sign of protest*

Takashi: *giggled* Kawaii ne

Orin; 8carried them out8

Takashi: *chuckles* Well, its almost time for lunch. Wat do u guys want?

Orion; Just something simple

Twins: *lifted their heads* Num num ramen~! *hung their heads again, just to tease Orion*

Orion; 8rolled his eyes8

Takashi: *chuckles, them reminding abt himself as he went to the kitchen to make ramen*

Orion; 8brought the kids in8

Takashi: *continued cooking*

Twins: *smelled the miso soup for the ramen n squeed* Mmm~ Ramen~

Orion; 8set them in their chairs8

Takashi: Sa, be patient ne~ Miso soup almost done *tasted a little n added a bit more seasoning, then chops up the condiments n veggies* Ne, Ori-chan, bring out the noodle frm the cupboard ne?

Orion; 8took out the pack the cupboard and handed it to Takashi8

Takashi: Domo *takes the noodles n pre-boiled it in hot water first, then dipped them into the miso soup, cooking it for a while, then prepared them all in respective bowls*

Twins: Num num~

Orion Patience now kids

Twins: *giggled*

Takashi: We're lucky they're not identical, or they'd drive us evn more crazy, ne? *gave the twins' share before giving Orion's share*

Orion; Thanks cherry-blossom

Takashi: *nods n made his share, then joined his family at the table* Itadakimas~

Twins: Itadakimas~ *ate their ramen*

Orion; 8ate his9

Takashi: *ate his* How is it? I hope u like it

Twins: Oishi~!

Orion; Delicous

Takashi: Domo, guess my time in the kitchen has paid off

Orion; 8smiled8

Takashi: I hope they're OK with u n I stay home n not being in the shop. We're a bit behind on our orders n tailoring

Orion; we'll manage lovw

Takashi: Hai~ Still need to put some of our customers' oku-san (wife) wedding clothes as priority tho. Their wedding is due btwn 2-5 mths

Orion; 8nods8

Takashi: I'm glad the mayor's oku-san was satisfied with her wedding dress. Remember how she got so hissy-fit n kept wanting to change designs? Kowai-ne~

Orion; 8rolled his eyes8

Takashi: *giggled* Cant blame her. She was knocked up before the wedding. She cant help her mood swings

Orion; True, they're unpredicable

Takashi: At least her wedding dress gave us more publicity. We've been getting more business since then

Orion; 8smiled8

Twins: Okairi! *held out their bowls, asking for seconds*

Takashi: Hehe, hai *takes their bowls n refill*

Orion; 8set his in the sink8

Takashi: *refilled the bowl n gave it to the twins*

Twins: *slurped n nommed happily*

Orion; 8poured himself a drink8

Takashi: *finished his meal n puts in the sink* Pour me one too, Ori-chan

Orion; 8gave him a glass as well8

Takashi: Domo *takes the drink* Our futago-chan hv good appetites ne

Orion; 8chuckled8

Twins: *finished their meal* Okairi~!

Takashi: Alright, last one. We're almost out of ramen n miso soup ne?

Twins: Hai~ *watches eagerly for their refill*

Orion; 8sweatdropped8

Takashi: They got my appetite wen I was their age *refilled the last of it n gave it to them*

Orion; Yesh

Takashi: *chuckles*

Twins: *ate their ramen, taking their time, since its the last one*

Orion; 8sips his drink8

Takashi: *sipped his too*

Orion; 8nuzzled him8

Takashi: *giggled n nuzzled him bk, kissing him*

Orion; 8kissed him back8

Takashi: *kissed him deeper, held him close*

Twins: *giggled at their hanky-panky*

Orion; 8held his mate close8

Takashi: *was getting a little frisky bt realized the twins were watching* Ne! If ur done go wash up n play in ur room

Twins: *giggled n left the table, tottering to their room*

Orion; 8sighed in relief8

Takashi: Now where were we? *wrapped his arms ard Orion's neck n purred*

Orion; 8kissed him deep8

Takashi: *kissed him bk, running his hand along Orion's chest*

Orion; 8shuddered8

Takashi: *kissing deeper, his finger tweaking at his nipples*

Orion; 8shivered8

Takashi: *purred n kissed him some more, making him sit dwn as he nibbled his neck*

Orion; 8moaned8

Takashi: *knelt dwn n unzip Orion, taking his cock out n started licking it*

Orion; 8gasped8

Takashi: *licks n sucks it, his hand playing with the balls*

Orion; 8moaned8

Takashi: *blew him long n hard, sucking him off expertly, all the while reaching dwn to play with his own pussy*

Orion; 8hissed8

Takashi: *hummed as he pulled off, licking his lips as he straddled Orion, pushing himself dwn onto his cock* Nnnyyaa...!!

Orion; 8bucked8

Takashi: *moaned as he started bobbing up n dwn, pants as he kept bobbing, hitting his G-spot, gripping at his sleeves*

Orion; 8moaned8

Takashi: Ahhnn...!! Sugoi... (awesome) Kimochii~ (so good) *kept bobbing*

Orion; 8shuddered8

Takashi: *kissed him deeply, keeping hitting his G-spot, panting*

Orion; 8traced his tongue in his mate's mouth8

Takashi: *pants n kissed some more* I...Icha so... (i'm gonna come)

Orion; 8pants8 So am I

Takashi: *pants n whined* Iku, iku, iku~ (i'm coming) *came reli hard, soaking thru both his cock n pussy, clenching hard on Orion's cock*

Orion; 8roared as he realised8

Takashi: *trembled as he was filled, hugging Orion as he calmed dwn frm his tremors*

Orion; 8pants heaily, sweating8

Takashi: *kissed him deeply* Aishiteru...Aishiteru ne (i love u), Ori-chan...

Orion; Love you to 8kisses him8

*Tonbo's cries of hunger was heard*

Takashi: A-ra? Tonbo-chan harahate ne... (Tonbo's hungry) *chuckles*

Orion; 8chuckled8

Takashi: *pulls out, moaning a bit n cleans up before making his way to Tonbo to nurse him*

Orion; 8cleaned himself up8

Takashi: *hummed n let Tonbo nurse him as he sat on the rocking chair*

Orion; 8went to check on the twins8

Twins: *had already fell asleep, full frm ramen n took a nap halfway thru their play*

Orion; 8tucked them into bed8

Twins: *stirred n mumbled in their sleep a little before curling in the covers*

Orion; 8smiled and quietly left8

Takashi: *had just finished nursing n lay Tonbo bk in his crib*

Orion; 8wrapped his arms round him8

Takashi: *giggled* Hey, Ori-chan. How's our futago-chan?

Orion; Worn themselves out

Takashi: Hehe, more like the ramen wore them out

Orion; 8chuckled8

Takashi: Tonbo is a little less cranky now, bt I bet later on he's gonna be bawling his head off again. His fever has gone dwn a little tho

Orion; Anything we need to do?

Takashi: Just make sure he doesnt get any hotter, n maybe ask Drix for some fever meds if he gets worse. We dont want him to damage his brain

Orion; 8nods8

Takashi: *made sure Tonbo was settled n kissed him before kissing Orion*

Orion; 8kissed him back8

TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-5

*meanwhile a package came into the mail at the Biotics' home*

8they looked over it8

*the package had no return address, n it was sent to Klepta*

Rodeo: Huh, this package is sent to u

Klepta: *scratched his head* Another groupie present, perhaps

Rouge; Careful bro

Klepta: *nods n opens the package, showing tht it was a teddy bear*

8everyone exchanged looks8

Klepta: Huh, totally another groupie present. If it isnt teddy bears, its fan mail or flowers *picks up to examine the teddy bear n dont see any foul play*

Rouge; 8rolled his eyes8

Rodeo: So adding it to ur collection or throwing it out?

Klepta: I guess I'll keep it. It looks pretty cute. Grey teddy with a blue nose. Its an interesting make

Levitania; 8shook her head8

Lavinia: U just dont like throwing out things. U love the attention *chuckles*

Rouge; 8snorts8

Klepta: *pouts* Am not!

Ambrose: They always say ur the popular one

8the sisters sniggered8

Klepta: Oh right, says the guy who totally got glomped by a crazy ass fan frm behind n made u fall off the percussion stage in the middle of a concert

Rodeo: *snorted, trying to hold bk his laughter*

Rouge; 8bit his tongue to stop laughing8

Ambrose: *puffed up his cheeks n glared at Klepta, something he did wen he was annoyed*

Klepta: Its true~!

Rouge; 8looked over the bear8

Rodeo: *looked ovr it too*

Klepta: *noticed n handed them the bear*

Rouge; 8examined it8

Rodeo: *examined as well* Guess it reli is nothing in there tht's weird

Roue; 8ighed8 Fans

Klepta: See? Nothing wrong with it *takes the bear to bring it to his room*

Ambrose: I bet u wish u get as much gifts as Klep does *smirked at the rest of the sibs*

Rodeo: Maybe~?

Rouge; 8gags8

Rodeo: Its nice to hv fans

Lavinia: *laughs* I like groupies n fans, bt they're kinda scary sometimes

Latvina; Especially the obsessive ones

Ambrose: Yeesh, I remember tht one who used to stalk u

Lavinia: Yeah, sis. Remember the groupie tht toally fantasize u being their Queen Bee or something n built a shrine for u n stalked u wen we were at City of Kane?

Rodeo: Oh, I remember tht. We were still following leads to find Oz tht time

Latvina; 8blushed scarlet8

Ambrose; Yeah, had to give them a restriction order wen some of ur personal things started going missing to put on their shrine

Rouge; 8shuttered8

Ambrose: Well, looks like this one is harmless, the bear looks alright

Rouge; 8shrugged8

Klepta: *came out* So wat's the schedule for the day?

Latvina; 8looked at it8

Lavinia: Nothing much, just the usual rehearsals n stuff, n also some photoshoots for the magazines

Lavtina; 8sighed8

Ambrose: At least its not a hectic schedule. I guess since Olivia n Miracle r out of commission for a while, there's nothing for us to do

Rouge; I call that a relief

Rodeo: Meh, I'd be bored to tears. Moping abt is not my thing *pouts*

Rouge; 8snorts8

Ambrose: Meh, ur always the hyper one, go bungee jumping or something

Rodeo: *grins* I just might

Lavtina; 8rolled her eyes8

Klepta: *chuckles n took the box tht the teddy bear came with to take out to the trash*

Rouge; 8lay back8

Rodeo: *decided to go to the TV n turn on some video games to play*

Ambrose: I wonder how's Miracle doing

Lavtina; So do I

Ambrose: I got a pic of Paul's twins n Miracle's little boy a while ago *showed them the pic msg he got on his phone*

Lavtina; 8squealed8 Cuties

Lavinia: Aww, they r so precious~ Bt the twins, who's who?

Ambrose: *reads* Says here, the red band is the elder twin Ophelia, n the the green on is Odette

Rouge; They'll cause some mischief when they're older

Rodeo: Just like we did wen we were younger *grins* Remember bk in kindy?

Rouge; 8snorts and sniggers8

Lavinia: Dont forget us! We drove our grammar school teacher insane with our tactics *giggled*

Lavtina; 8giggled8

Ambrose: U girls drove Dad crazy too sometimes

Rodeo: While we drove Mom insane with our shennanigans

8the twins laughed8

Klepta: *just got in* Wat did I miss?

Ambrose: Oh just talking abt the good ol days wen these two pair of twins drove ppl to the nut house with their twinny antics aftr seeing Paul's little girls

Rouge; 8smirked8

Klepta: Oh? U got a pic update?

Ambrose: *showed him the pics*

Klepta: Wow, Miracle's son is huge!

Rouge; Well his sire is a rabie virus

Klepta; Here, here. They might just outgrow their parents wen they're older

Lavtina; 8rolled her eyes8

Rodeo: Ooh, I can imagine tht, them towering ovr Miracle n Alexis *laughs*

Rouge; 8laughs8

Lavinia: They'd be giants, tht's for sure

Lavtina; Who knows

Klepta: Well, lets get ready for our photoshoot. I just got the text calling us we need to be ready in 20 mins

8the siblings went to get ready8

Klepta: *gets himself ready too, stealing a look at the teddy bear again before shrugging n leaving to get the car*

8they headed off to the photoshoot8

TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-4

*meanwhile, Olivia was still in rehab, n her rehab of the day was the sensory deprivation chamber in the cylinder, bobbing in detox water with breathing apparatus on*

Thrax; 8narrowed his eyes8

Drix: *was there to monitor the progress*

Thrax; 8chewed his lip8

Drix: I hate to say this bt...the process is not going to be any faster with u pacing ard here

Thrax; 8snarled8

Drix: No offense bt u hv to be patient

Thrax; 8snorts8

Drix: *scribbling in his notepad* I had a bit of progress with Leah

Thrax; 8looked at him8

Drix: Yeah, I kinda initiated a little bit n somehow during our... "get together", I've started to remember quite a number of things

Thrax; Like what/

Drix: I remember how she looked like before she was virus, n some scents n sights of the room reminded me of things I used to like n love abt her, n I somehow remembered instinctively how to pleasure her the way I used to

Thrax; 8smirked8

Drix: Yeah, now I'm moving bk to the master room, n I'm planning to renew my vows with her

Thrax; Sounds like a plan

Drix: *smiled then sees the timer* Looks like we're almost done *signal one of the scientists to drain the cylinder*

8the cell did so8

*the cylinder was drained, lowering Olivia gently dwn the base*

Thrax; 8bit his tongue7

Drix: *waited till the cylinder is fully drained before opening it n taking her out, letting the attending female nurses to dry n dress her*

Thrax; 8picked her up8

Drix: *brings out a pen-like syringe* Her upper vitamins *gave her the shot*

Olivia: *whimpered bt doesnt wake*

Thrax; 8cradled her8

Drix: *chked her vitals* Hmm, she seems OK so far

Thrax; How long must this go on/

Drix: I'm not sure. Olivia has been fully cooperative bt unfortunately her body is not. It seems to be rejecting our treatment all the time, or evn wen we think it shows progress, it just resurface again. We're still trying to figure it out

Thrax; 8nuzzled her8

Drix: Hold up. I cant help bt notice something. Follow me to the scanner room, bring her along

Thrax; 8fallowed8

Drix: *led them to the scanner room* Put her on the scanning table

Thrax; 8gently lay her down8

Drix: *started up the scanning machine n it scanned thru Olivia's body*

Thrax; 8watch8

*the scanning machine showed some sort of fluorescent exoskeleton tht was within Olivia*

Drix: *was surprised* Huh, this nvr showed up before

Thrax; 8arched a brow8

Drix: Could be frm tht solution therapy just now *scanned some more* Seems like its some sort of grafting inside her body. I'm gonna need to take closer shots to see wat those graftings r

Thrax; 8nods8

Drix: *brought out something tht looked like a portable device n took closer snaps at Olivia's body*

Thrax; 8looked at him8

Drix: *all the shots revealed more grafting of exoskeletons* I'll examine these pics. U can take her to her room n hv her cleaned n dressed

Thrax; 8took her back to her room and dressed her8

Olivia: *whimpered bt didnt stir*

Thrax; 8stroked her face8

Olivia: *slowly blinked her eyes open*

Thrax; 8kissed her forehead8

Olivia: *her eyes focused n saw Thrax* Nnnhh...Daddy...?

Thrax; Hey angel

Olivia: Nnh...Is my session ovr?

Thrax; 8nods8

Olivia: Did it work? Is there anything more wrong?

Thrax; 8shook his head8

Olivia: OK *sat on the bed* Anything I've missed so far? How's the family doing?

Thrax; 8told her all he knew8

Olivia: Oh wow, I'm an aunty now *chuckles* Bt I hope Miracle would be OK

Thrax; We all do

Olivia: Identical twins for Paul, huh? I hope they've figured out how to tell them apart *grins*

Thrax; Hard to say yet

Olivia: Is Miracle's baby big as Polly this time?

Thrax; Possibly bigger since he is male

Olivia: Oi vey, must've been hard for him. I dunno whether I wanna hv kids or not *cringed a little*

Thrax; Ya still young

Olivia: *pouted a little* No, I'm not. I WAS 18 yrs old

Thrax; That's still no more than a child

Olivia: *pouts more* I'm always gonna be a baby to u no matter how old I am, arent I?

Thrax; 8chuckled and nuzzled her8

Olivia: *nuzzled bk* Wen will I get better, Daddy?

Thrax; 8bit his lip8

Olivia: *looks sad* I'm nvr getting better, am I? I'll nvr leave this plc, am I?

Thrax; You will get better

Olivia: *doesnt look vry convinced*

Thrax; 8held her8

Olivia: *nuzzled against Thrax's chest, sighed quietly*

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

Olivia: *let him stroke her hair till he fell asleep*

Thrax; 8tucked her into bed8

Olivia: *sucked her thumb as she slept*

Thrax; 8quietly left8

Drix: *walked by* She alright?

Thrax; Fast asleep

Drix: *nods* Tht's good. U going off home now?

Thrax; 8nods8

Drix: Alright, give my regards to ur family. I'll let u knw wen I find anything abt Olivia's shots

Thrax; Thank you

Drix: *nods n saw him off*

Thrax; 8headed home8

TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-3

*a knock was on the door*

Alexis; 8looked over8

Spryman: *peeked in* Hey, Uncle Alex. Ur here. How're u doing? How's Mira doing?

Alexis; Hey paul, doing well

Spryman: Yeah, finally able to get off the wheelchair. I dunno if u heard, bt Mira n I gave birth at the same time

Alexis; Oh/ where's your little one/

Spryman: Little ones, actually. Identical twin girls, Ophelia n Odette. They're asleep with Mordred right now

Alexis; Congrats

Spryman: Congrats to u too, Uncle Alex. How's Mira n the baby? Got a name for him?

Alexis; Samson

Spryman: Nice strong name for a strong boy

Alexis; 8chuckled8

Spryman: How's Mira doing? Did the docs say wen he's gonna wake up?

Alexis; Could be a couple of months

Spryman: Well tht's good *went to chk on Miracle* How's Samson doing so far? I heard abt his heart condition n stuff

Alexis; He's a fighter ( can tell ya

Spryman: Just like u *smiled*

Alexis; Like his mother8

Spryman: *nodded sideways* True tht. U wanna come see the twins? I'm sure Mira n Samson would be alright alone for a while

Alexis; 8gently set his son in his crib8

Hippolyta: *reached up for Spryman*

Spryman: *bends dwn to carry her* Come, lets see ur new cousin

Alexis; 8fallowed them8

Spryman: *led them to his own ward where the twins were sleeping quietly in Pendragon's arms*

Alexis; 8smiled softly8

Spryman: *puts Hippolyta dwn n gently picks up the twins to show him* Ophelia n Odette. We got them colour bands to differentiate them. Ophelia is the older twin, red band. Odette is the younger, green band

Alexis; 8looked at them8

*both were super identical, n were a spitting female image of Pendragon*

Alexis; Ya gonna have ya hands full

Spryman: Yeah, bt at least I get to skip a grade coz of my flying colours, n I get to graduate early so I dont hv to leave my girls alone for too long. Besides there's always baby-sitters wen we're not home, n Mordred is a lecturer so he works in shifts

Alexis; I mean telling them apart

Spryman: Oh tht, well, haha, unless they decided to pull a switch on us, we're only gonna be able to rely on their different dressing to tell them apart *chuckles*

Alexis; Let's hope their personalities will help

Spryman: *chuckles* Yups *noticed the twins starting to whimper n fidgeting in their bottom* Oh, looks like they need a diaper change

Alexis; Need help?

Spryman: Well, u can help me with Odette *passed him the twin with the green band*

Alexis; 8gently lay her on the changing table8

Spryman: *undid Ophelia's diaper n cringed* Phew! She's got a boo-boo *brought Ophelia to the bathroom instead*

Odette: *had wet her diaper instead*

Alexis; 8quickly changed her8

Spryman: *washed Ophelia n cleaned her bottom, before taking her out to dry her n changed her*

Odette: *nommed her fist wen she was being changed*

Alexis; 8stroked her cheek before liftiing her8

Odette: *fussed a little, wanted to be with her mother*

Spryman: *finished changing Ophelia* Alright, sweetie, Mommy's coming

Alexis; 8cradled her8

Spryman: *cuddled Ophelia in one arm n took Odette with the other* Thanks, Uncle Alex

Alexis; Any time

Spryman: *puts the babies into the crib* Cant believe I gave birth to two, I almost felt like dying

Pendragon; 8nuzzled him8

Spryman: *giggled* I'm glad I survived it tho

Alexis; 8smiled softly8

Spryman: I hope Mira would be OK, tht he'll pull thru, n I'm kinda worried abt Momma too

Alexis; He'll pull through, he's a fighter

Spryman: *nods with a sad smile*

Alexis; 8stroked the girls' cheeks8

Spryman: Arent they beautiful?

Alexis; 8smiles8 They are

*the twins yawned a little n drooped off bk to sleep aftr hving a fresh diaper*

Alexis; 8smiled gently8

Spryman: *looked a little tired too*

Pendragon; You need your rest as well8

Spryman: *nods* Yeah, ur right *quietly climbed up the bed*

Alexis; 8let them be8

TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-2

Alexis; 8was in a daze8

Ricardo: *asked the reception where the room Miracle was n then handed it ovr to Alexis* I hv to go bk to the restaurant, u gonna be OK going alone?

Alexis; 8nods8

Ricardo: Alright, well, its in the maternity floor at the ICU section, 4th floor. Cya then, n good luck

Alexis; thanks 8heads there8

Hippolyta: *was standing on the chair, chking out her brother in the crib*

Alexis; 8walked in8

Hippolyta: *sees him* Daddy~

Alexis; Hey angel 8picked her up9

Hippolyta: Look~ Mommy give brother~

Alexis; 8looked at his son8

*the baby boy was asleep, sucking his fist*

Alexis; 8nervously reached his hand out8

*the baby stirred n opened his eyes; he was the spitting image of Alexis, just bigger size than a normal baby*

Alexis; 8gulped8

Hippolyta: Bro is so cute n big~

Alexis; 8smiled softly8

Hippolyta: Bro hv name?

Alexis; Not yet sweetie

Hippolyta: Daddy gonna give name?

Alexis; We'll wait for your mother to wake

Hippolyta: Bt tht would be too long, doctor say Mommy is going to sleep for quite long. N nurse just ask me if bro already has name for her to write dwn

Alexis; 8tird to think8

Hippolyta: *tries to think too*

Alexis; What about Samson/

Hippolyta: *thinks n nods, grinning*

Alexis; 8smiled then looked at his son8

Hippolyta: Hi, Samson~

Samson: *yawned n went bk to sleep*

Alexis; 8stroked his cheek8

Nurse: *comes in to chk on Miracle* Oh, r u the father of the child?

Alexis; 8nods8

Nurse: Well, since ur here, I was wondering if u already given a name for ur son. We need it for our registrar

Alexis; 8smiles8 Samson Odesius

Nurse: Ooh, nice strong name. Tho I assume u've heard abt his upcoming health conditions

Alexis; 8nods, gripping his fist8

Nurse: Dont worry, with the right medication, its treatable, n who knws, maybe as the yrs pass ur son's heart will strengthen on its own

Alexis; 8siled slightly8

Nurse: *wrote dwn the name in her pad* I'll key it into the registrar later. Looks like ur mate is stable for now. He's in an induced coma, so we estimate he'll wake up in abt a couple of mths the least

Alexis; 8nods8 Do you have any idea what caused this?

Nurse: Well, he has admitted a few times before in the past during his pregnancy, n quite recently as well by Officer Eduardo. The trauma he had experienced hv sorta compromised ur son's growth of the heart, thus its weak

Hippolyta: *remembered wen Alexis had attacked Miracle during his heat n looked dwn*

Alexis; 8went pale8

Nurse: Dont worry, like I said, give it time. He'll be strong as time pass by *leaves the room*

Alexis; 8sat down8

Hippolyta: *still looking dwn sadly* ...Sowwy...

Alexis; 8picked her up8

Hippolyta: I didnt protect Mommy... *starts sobbing*

Alexis; You couldn't have known

Hippolyta: Bt...Bt... *sobs turns to whimpers*

Alexis; 8held her close8

Hippolyta: *sobs in her father's chest*

Alexis; 8tried to calm his daughter8

Samson: *whimpered, was hungry*

Alexis; 8gently picked him up8

Samson: *whimpered some more*

Hippolyta: Bro is hungry

Alexis; 8brought his son over to Miracle and lowered his mate's shirt8

Samson: *latched onto the nipple n started suckling*

Alexis; 8smiled8

Hippolyta: *watched Samson nursed, fascinated*

Alexis; 8kept close watch8

Hippolyta: Is Mommy gonna be OK? Will he wake up?

Alexis; Only time will tell sweetie

Hippolyta: *looked a little worried n sad*

Alexis; 8held her close8

Samson: *had his fill n turned away*

Alexis; 8picked him up then gently patted his back8

Samson: *coughed a bit then burped*

Hippolyta: *giggled* So cute

Alexis; 8chuckled, holding them close8

Samson: *drooped bk to sleep*

Hippolyta: Bro so big, like me

Alexis; He is

Hippolyta: N he looks exactly like Daddy

Alexis; 8smiled8

TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 5-1

*the nxt morning, as Ricardo went for his grocery rounds, he made a stop to the confinements to get Alexis*

Eduardo: *leads him to Alexis' cell n unlocked it*

Alexis; 8looked up8

Ricardo: Hey, Alex. Its me, Ricky. U OK?

Alexis; 8shakenlt stood up8

Ricardo: *helped him up* Come. I'll bring u home to shower n eat, then I'll bring u to the hospital. Ur a daddy again

Alexis; Wha/

Ricardo: Yeah, u hv a son *led him out of the building n to their car*

Alexis; Is Miracle alright/

Ricardo: Well... *started the car n explained* ...So yeah, there's the gist of it

Alexis; 8was paler8

Ricardo: Dont worry. I'm sure they're OK. C'mon, lets get u cleaned, fed n dressed, then we can go see them

Alexis; 8nods slowly8

Ricardo: *brought him home n led him to the bathroom to let him bathe while he made something for Alexis to eat*

Alexis; 8scrubbed himself raw8

Ricardo: *cooked him a number of meat meals, since confinement usually leaves Alexis vry hungry*

Alexis; 8soon came down8

Ricardo: Hey, u alright. Here's ur meal. Take ur time. Dig in

Alexis; Thanks 8started eating it slowly8

Ricardo: *cleaned up the kitchen as he let him eat*

Alexis; 8savoured the taste8

Ricardo: I hope my cooking is OK

Alexis; Delicous

Ricardo: U feeling a little better now? Head clearer?

Alexis; 8nods but looked worried8

Ricardo: Hey, its not ur fault. OK? These things happen

Alexis; still

Ricardo: I'm sure u'll feel much better wen u see ur son. Maybe bring Polly along as well. I think she's there at the hospital too. Thrax's nurse brought her there

Alexis; 8smiled a little8

Ricardo: *chked his list to see if his grocery was done*

Alexis; 8finished8

Ricardo: U good to go?

Alexis; 8nods8

Ricardo: Lets go then *got the car keys*

Alexis; 8fallowed8

*the duo got into the car n made their way towards the hospital*

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