*meanwhile, Dieter came home with a number of shopping bags aftr getting bk frm work at the shop*
Vincent; 8kissed him gently8
Dieter: *kissed him bk* How r the chiddlers vith ze kid?
Vincent; We're all well
Dieter: Still hasnt said much of a word? I knw ze social service lady said he's mildly autistic bt haz he said wats hiz name eez at least?
Vincent; 8shook his head8
Dieter: Vell, eef he hasnt said hiz name, maybe he can write eet?
Vincent; Possibly
Dieter: Oh *showed him the shopping bags* Been doing a beet of shopping for ze boy. New clothez n all, since he'z obviously way older zan ze chiddlers
Vincent; 8smiled8
Dieter: Vere eez he n the chiddlers?
Vincent; In the lounge
Dieter: *peeks in n sees the twins playing building blocks with the boy*
Boy: *just quietly passes the blocks to the twins n lets them build instead*
Vincent; 8bit his lip8
Dieter: Hey, chiddlers. Vati is home
Twins: *squealed n ran to hug him*
Boy: *just looked up at him, bt not reli looking directly at him*
Vincet; 8came over to him8
Boy: *still not looking directly at anyone, bt his arms do reach out for a hug to be carried*
Vincent; 8lifted him and held him close8
Dieter: *shows him the clothes he bought* Look, sveetie. I bought jou some new clothes. Jou like?
Boy: *looks at the clothes, doesnt reply, bt doesnt reject the clothes either*
Vincent; 8stroked his hair8
Dieter: Vould jou like to try some of zem on?
Boy: *looks at the clothes quietly n reaches in to pick one tht he'd like to try on first*
Vincent; 8set him down8
Dieter: *takes the boy's hand* Come, ve'll help jou get dressed togezer
Boy: *flinched a little at the touch, bt doesnt reject him n follows him to change*
Vincent; 8went to make dinner8
*a while later, Dieter came out with the boy dressed in wat the boy seems to like best, which is an orange sleeveless shirt with a cute zombie face n track pants*
Twins: *squealed in delight at how cute the shirt was*
Vincent; 8looked out and smiled8
Dieter: See, evryvone likes eet
Boy: *nods quietly*
Vincent; Are you hungry/
Boy: *nods*
Dieter: Dinner vill ready soon. Jou go play vith ze chiddlers first vhile I help make dinner, ja?
Boy: *nods n joined the twins to play building blocks again*
Vincent; 8returned to the kitchen8
Dieter: *came in to help him*
Vincent; 8added some spices8
Dieter: *helped out to set the table*
Vincent; 8smiled at him8
Twins: Mutti, vati~! He told us his name~! *showed them the magic dust drawing board where the boy wrote his name*
Vincent; 8looked at it8
*the board showed a scrawly writing tht showed his name RASCAL*
Dieter: *blinked* Rascal? Zat eez heez name?
Boy: *as if recalling something his real mother used to say, repeating it like a tape recorder* Ur my little rascal, my beautiful little rascal
Vincent; 8scratched his head8
Dieter: Huh, I zink zat eez vat heez parents call az pet name. I dont zink he zhould hv zat sort of name, eets not quite suitable
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: Ve vill give jou a new name, vould jou like zat?
Boy: *doesnt reply, bt doesnt reject the idea either*
Vincent; 8rubbed his chin8
Dieter: Jou hv any ideas on names, mein liebe? *turns to Vincent*
Vincent; 8Trying to think of a good one
Dieter: Jou hv any ideas, chiddlers?
Twins: *both shrug n shook their heads, not sure wat to name him*
Vincent; What about Salvador/
Dieter: Hmm, Salvador sounds nice. Vat do jou zink? *turns to the boy*
Boy: *doesnt reply, bt he did reach ovr to hold Vincent's hand*
Dieter: I guez zat eez a ja to him
Vincent; 8smiled8
Dieter: Zen Salvador eet eez zen
Twins: Salvador~! Sal, Sal! Wee~!
Vincent; 8stroked his hair8
Dieter: Vell, dinner eez almost ready. Jou go bring Sal to go vash his hands before eating, OK?
Twins: Come, come, wash up, wash up
Boy (now Salvador): *nods n lets the kids lead him to the bathroom*
Dieter: At least he'z not rejecting ze chiddlers
Vincent; Thankfully
Dieter: I guess he'z been lonely und vanted friends for a long time
Vincent; 8nods and sets the table8
Dieter: *helped out too*
*the kids soon came out all clean n ready to eat*
Vincent; What would you like Salvador/
Salvador: *pointed at one of the dishes, then a couple more*
Vincent; 8sorted a good portion8
Salvador: *nodded n started eating, tho almost the same way he did wen he first came to this house*
Dieter: Take eet eazy, Sal, zere's more where zat came frm
Vincent; Pace yourself
Twins: *giggled* Eat slowly, eat slowly
Salvador: *slowed dwn a little, bt still finished faster than the rest, then pushed his plate in the same fashion as if asking for seconds*
Vincent; 8gave him seconds8
Salvador: *nod a thanks again n ate, a bit slowly this time*
Vincent; 8finished his8