Episode 1
*the nxt day, Klepta waited at the designated area aftr arranging with the manager tht he would be late for band practice*
Thrax; 8walked up to him8
Klepta: Hey, Thrax. Ur on time
Thrax; Always
Klepta: Lets head for the hall cafeteria, my treat
Thrax; Sure 8fallows him8
Klepta: *led him to the cafeteria n ordered breakfast for the both of them*
Thrax; Just something small please
Klepta: *nods n ordered, getting the food before paying n led him to a window seat*
Thrax; 8sat down8
Klepta: So how's Osbourne right now?
Thrax; Doing really well
Klepta: How is he? His condition?
Thrax; He's doing well, the baby's growing strong
Klepta: Baby?
Thrax; 8smiled softly and nodded8
Klepta: Wow, congrats! I better text this to the guys later
Thrax; Though I'm worried
Klepta: How so?
Thrax; I fear that this child might end up like Jared
Klepta: I'm sure it was just a fluke. Ur nxt child will turn out alright
Thrax; 8didn't look sure8
Klepta: Anyway, bk to the main topic of this meeting. Osbourne was being attacked, wasnt he?
Thrax; 8nods8
Klepta: *sighed* I was worried this might happen
Thrax; Huh?
Klepta: The black sheep of the family we nvr told u abt. The one who we desperately need to forget
Thrax; Who is it?
Klepta: Edison
Thrax; Edison?
Klepta: The nightmare child. The one our parents adopted before Osbourne was born
Thrax; Not of the family bloodline then
Klepta: *shook his head* Our parents found him in the streets trying to steal bread frm the local bakery n saved him frm being arrest n sent to juvie, n decided to adopt him as their own. We were vry welcoming to him. We treated him like our own brother, n we loved him like we loved the whole family
Thrax; Reminds me of Serenity
Klepta: Yeah, bt the kicker came in wen Mother got pregnant with Osbourne. U see, Edison is wht u call a vry...possessive person. He doesnt take sharing vry lightly. We had a bit of a hard time at first trying to educate him to be civil, since he grew up unwanted n alone in the streets with nothing tht truly belonged to him. So wen Mother was pregnant with Oz, he was vry hostile n angry all the time, seeing Oz as a threat to his plc in the family
Thrax; Jealousy is a strong emotion
Klepta: He got more n more hostile as Mother's pregnancy progressed. He evn tried to push her dwn the stairs to make her miscarry. The last straw was wen Father woke up to find him pinning Mother dwn to try n carve Oz out of her belly with a kitchen knife. Tht's wen we knew things were terribly wrong. We had to send him away to rehab, n nvr heard frm him since. I may not hv much evidence, bt I hv a feeling it could be him
Thrax; 8growled8
Klepta: Doctors describe his condition as a psychological disorder, may hv stemmed thru trauma due to being abandoned n hv everything he knew taken away frm him. Wen we sent him to rehab, he was in a vry severe condition, screaming n yelling n cursing at Mother's belly. He tried to chew off his restraints twice to escape to find us. We eventually stopped visiting him n moved n we nvr saw or heard frm him *takes Thrax's hand* Thrax, Eddie is vry dangerous. We didnt want to do it, bt we had to abandon him, n it must make his condition evn worse. There's no telling wht he'll do. Promise me u'll keep Osbourne safe. I'm not abt to lose him, not aftr so many yrs of searching
Thrax; I swore the day I mated with him that I'd protect him with my life
Klepta: Thank u, Thrax. I appreciate it, I reli do. The girls were worried sick wen they realized his presence. We had a death threat on Osbourne sent to our home, tht's how I knw *showed him the letter*
Thrax; 8looked at it
Letter: *written in scrawly handwriting*
Hello, my brothers n sisters. Remember me? The little brother u left to die n rot in rehab? Well, guess who's coming bk? Don't worry, I dont blame u. I admit tht I've been a bit naughty. I forgive u. We'll all be one big happy family again...aftr I take care of some unfinished business. Dont wait up.
Love, Eddie
Thrax; 8scorched the letter8
Klepta: I'd hv hoped u didnt do tht. Tht could be used as evidence for the police should anything happen
Thrax; 8snarled, his eyes going red8
Klepta: Calm dwn. Dont go starting a scene. Ur temper is not gonna help Osbourne
Thrax; When I find him he'll never bother you again
Klepta: Dont kill him. He's...still family
Thrax; Are you mad?
Klepta: We personally raised him. There may hv been hard times, bt we had a bond. He's still our brother. U would've felt the same if u were in my shoes
Thrax; Hardly
Klepta: Still, he is our brother. If u find him, dont kill him. Let me handle it. He still listens to me the most
Thrax; You can try
Klepta: *nods* I better get going now. I dont wanna outstay my free pass to be late for band practice
Thrax; 8finished his, bidding Klepta goodday and left8
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