TOYLB: Life in Deux-Season 2-3

Episode 3

Ozzie: *was counting the money he got frm his cases in the safe, planning to bank them in*

Thrax; 8brought him some coffee8

Ozzie: Thanks, baby *takes the coffee n sips it*

Thrax; 8sipped his8

Ozzie: Well, we've made a bit of profits for the mth. Taking out all the cash we need for expenditure, we can still save a hefty sum

Thrax; Enough to support our family

Ozzie: *nods* Gotta go to the bank, u wanna come? Or u wanna stay to watch the kids?

Thrax; I'll watch the kids but be careful

Ozzie: *nods n put the money to bank in the envelope, n kissed him before leaving*

THrax; 8silented prayed he'd be safe8

Ozzie: *made his way to the bank n waited in line to deposit the money*

8the line moved quickly8

Ozzie: *soon it was his turn as he banked in the money*

8the cashier took the envelope, typed on the computer and handed ozzy a deposit slip8

Ozzie: *nodded* Thanks *made his way out of the bank wen he was grabbed n slammed against the wall at one corner* Wht the...?! *his mouth was covered tightly to keep him quiet*

Thrax; 8felt a shiver go down his spine8

Ozzie: *could only hear the voice since he was forced to face the wall*

Voice: U r a nobody. The family is rightfully mine. Remember tht *shoved his face against the wall some more before disappearing*

Thailog: 8ran up8 You ok Oz

Ozzie: *surprised to see him* M-Mayor! W-Wht r u doing here?

Thaoilog; Clearing my head for a bit

Ozzie: I'm...I'm OK. I was...sorta attacked or something

Thailog: Did you see them?

Ozzie: *shook his head* They had me against the wall, I couldnt see

Thailog; 8scratched his chin8

Ozzie: I'm fine now. Thanks for the concern

Thailog; You'd best get home quickly

Ozzie: *nodded n left*


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