Dieter: *was arranging the books, chking the stock*
Vincent; 8was doing the funds8
*the twins were going ard the shelves, looking for big books to make forts again*
Dieter: Dominik, Emily, dont mess up ze books. Vati (Daddy) needz to count zem
Vincent; 8went to pur them back8
Dieter: Now go to ur Mutti (mommy), n dont bother Vati, ja?
Twins: Ja~ *bt instead went ard to another bookshelf, giggling*
Vincent; 8rolled his eyes8
Twins: *found a big encyclopedia n they both reached to get it, bt ended up toppling ovr n both cried*
Vincent; 8scooped them up8
*there was a small old envelope tht fell out of the encyclopedia*
Vincent; Huh? 8lifted it up8
*the envelope was brown due to time, n got a lot of dust on it*
Dieter: *rushes ovr* Vat's wrong? Eez the chiddlerz OK?
Vincent; They're ok but look at this 8showed him the envelope8
Dieter: *blinked* Hm? Interesting *takes it* Zhould ve open eet? Eetz pretty old anyvay
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: *opens up the envelope to see there was a letter in it n reads it out loud*
Dear Noir,
I'm sorry tht I wrote this sudden letter to u, bt I can no longer bear to hide my feelings for u. I love u. I love u since the day I saw u at the library. U were always there to borrow interesting books n I always end up trying to read wat u read to get to knw wat kind of person r u. Bt I nvr hv the courage to tell u how I feel, no matter how many times I see u approach the counter where I work as a part-time librarian to chk out the books. U always had a lovely smile n a charming demeanour n u would always hv something quirky to say n ask how I'm doing n sometimes get me coffee wen u chk out the books. Yrs passed n I still couldnt tell u my feelings, n now I am going to move to another district n I will nvr be able to see u again. I dont knw whether this letter will reach u or not, bt if it does, knw tht I love u n I will nvr forget u.
Love, Emmett
Vincent; Wonder who they were?
Dieter: Eet eez zad. Eet lookz like zis letter vas nvr zent. Maybe ve zhould do a little detective vork n zend zis letter, evn tho eetz too late
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: *turns to one of the hired help* Darren, jou n Trist eez in charge of book donationz. Vere did jou get zis book?
Darren: *sees it* Oh, I got it frm a guy who works in Avalon Library. His gramps was a collector of old books bt he decided to give his books away aftr he passed on
Dieter: Hmm, zere'z a written address of ze sender. Shall ve go find the source first?
Vincent; Best start there
Dieter: Right. Darren, jou vatch ze ztore, n eef ve r late, help uz lock up, ja?
Darren: Yes, boss
Vincent; 8fallowed him8
Dieter: Ve're going on a road trip, chiddlerz
Twins: Wee~! *flailed happily*
Vincent; 8looked at the address8
*the address led to somewhere at the Spinal District*
Vincent; 8got in the car8
Dieter: *got in too aftr putting the kids in their baby seats, taking the wheel*
Vincent; 8told him the address8
Dieter: *nods n drove there*
*the twins played Patty-Cake at the bk*
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