Episode 1
*the kids woke up to find their parents slept in as usual, so they made their own breakfast*
Sakura; 8only had a cereal8
Twins: *both had grapefruit n oatmeal*
Rory; 8only had oatmeal with honey8
Kiaran: *made himself some egg toast*
Ozzex: *had boiled eggs*
Jared: *tried to reach for his fav cereal box bt couldnt*
Sakura; 8jumped up and got it for him8
Jared: *signed* Thank u *poured his cereal*
Sakura; 8smiled sofftly8
Jared: *noticed someone outside the window*
Rory; 8looked out8
*it was Terra n Terrence outside*
Rory; 8let them in8
Terra: Good morning, guys
Terrence: *ruffled Rory's hair n kissed Sakura's cheek*
Sakura; 8blushed8
Kiaran: Hi, guys. Wat r u guys doing here?
Terra: School's canceled today. Apparently someone made a bit of doozy in the science lab n the whole school is under quarantine
Rory; 8rolls his eyes8
Ozzex: Aww, man! We should've slept in then~!
Sakura; How were we suppose to know
Terra: *chuckles* Its OK. Well, since ur all up, any ideas as to where we should hang out?
Rory; 8shrugged8
Twins: Lets go to ur house! We nvr been to ur house!
Terrence: Well, I guess it wouldnt be too bad, whaddaya think?
Sakura; Sure
Jared: *signed* Then to ur house it is
Rory; 8smiled8
*all the kids got dressed n ready, n left a note on the fridge telling them where they're heading before leaving the house*
Sakura; 8walked with Terrance8
Terrence: *smiled n took her hand*
Terra: *hugged Rory's arm*
Rory; 8prred8
Kiaran: *giggled n copied them with Ozzex* Ooh~ Hold me, my lurv~
Ozzex: Oh yes, I shall protect u~ My darling~ *laughs*
Sakura; 8karate kicked both of them8
Kiaran&Ozzy: AAGH~!!
Terrence: Now, now, Sakura. Ur a lady *held her close*
Sakura; 8scoft8 Who said I'm a lady
Terrence: Oh, bt u are. Ur ~my~ lady *kissed her cheek*
Sakura; 8blushed8
Terra: *giggled at them* So cute
Rory; 8nuzzled Terra8
Terra: *kissed him on the cheek too*
Rory; 8purred8
Twins: Too bad Paul cant join us tho~
Sakura; 8nods8
Jared: *signed* Well he had to study
Rory; True, probably worn himself out
Terra: We're almost near the nearest cab station
Kiaran: Eh? We're not flying there?
Terrence: We cant vry well carry all of u guys
Sakura; 8rolled her eyes8
Terrence: *hauled a cab n they all climbed in*
Cabbie; Where to?
Terra: *sticks her head towards the driver* Oh, u knw us, cabbie. The Avalon twins. Take us home *grins*
Cabbie; Sure 8takes off8
*the gang of kids chattered excitedly on the way*
8the cab soon pulled up in front of the house8
Terra: Wait here *called out for the butler to pay the cabbie as she led the kids out of the car*
Rory; 8looked round8
*the house was empty, save the hired help*
Terrence: Where's Mother n Father?
Maid: They've gone to supervise on the school quarantine
Sakura; 8looked at Terry8
Terry: *shrugs* Ah well, who wants some snacks?
*all the kids squealed for it*
Terry: *turns to the maid* U heard them. Cookies n cream for my friends
Sakura; Just a a fruit salad for Rory and I please
Maid: *nods n left to prepare the snacks*
Kiaran: Ur house is HUGE~!
Terra: Its OK
Rory; 8looked round8
Ozzex: Got any games?
Terrence: Yeah. Lets go to the playroom
8everyone fallowed8
*all the kids were amazed at their playroom tht was almost like an arcade of sort*
Ozzex: Woooaaahhh~!! *runs in n picked up a game console* This is the limited edition of Game Slavers! Mama didnt evn let me buy this unless I get good grades
Kiaran: Yeah, u didnt n Mama refused to let u buy it, not evn with ur own pocket money
Jared: *signed* Mama is strict, bt fair
Rory; 8smirked8
Ozzex: May I?
Terry: Go ahead. Make urselves at home
Sakura; 8looked round8
*there was an IQ game suitable for her*
Sakura; 8started playing it8
*all the kids played their choice of games, hving fun*
Maid: *came in with the snacks*
Rory; Thank you
Maid: *nodded n left*
Jared: *let out a sharp squeal n took one cookie*
Sakura; 8helped herself to some apples8
Kiaran: *got the cream milk n sipped at them* Mmm, made just right. I envy u
Terry: Nothing to envy abt. U guys live in a rich home too
Twins: Not as rich as this~!
Rory; 8rolled his eyes8
Terra: *giggled*
*the kids enjoyed their snacks n games*
Rory; 8sat in a meditated state8
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