Episode 3
*meanwhile at the area where evryone did their business, Takashi was just finishing his latest batch of orders for the customers*
Orion; 8looked over the stitching8
Takashi: Sa, kire desho? (pretty, innit?)
Orion; It is
Takashi: Well, gotta make the call to the customers n... *had an odd feeling of being watched*
Orion; Taka?
Takashi: I feel like someone's watching...NYAAA~!!! *turns ard, shocked to see tht abt a dozen males, both cell, germ n virus were squeezed up n pressing against the window, peeking at him*
Orion; 8ran in and snarled8
*all of them ran away bt stayed at a considerable distance, still watching*
Takashi: Na...Nandato~? Wht was tht abt??
Orion; Not sure and they're not norally like this
Takashi: Is...Is it bcoz of me? Something must be up with me ne~
Orion; Not really sure
Takashi: *turns to see another dozen of them peeking at him thru another window* NYAA~!!
Orion; 8charged at them8
*they ran away n spread out again, bt continued to watch the shop frm afar*
Takashi: Ko...Kowai yo (scary)
Orion; 8held him close8
Dieter: *came in* Guten tag. Got any spare clo...Taka, vat r jou doing 'ere? Do jou knw eets dangerous in jour condition?
Takashi: Na...Nani? Wht condition?
Orion; 8arched a brow8
Dieter: Jou dont knw? Vait, right, jou dont knw, Mutter alvays make jou stay home n not go out to play n nvr had ze chance to tell jou. Taka, eetz ze leap year, jour hormones und pheremones r stronger during ze leap year. Jou shouldnt be out. Evryvone eez going to vant to get under jour pants
Takashi: Na...Nani?? Bt...Bt how come I dont realize...N Ori-chan is not affected
Dieter: Not yet anyvay. Eetz ztill ze initial stages. Eet vill get vorse during ze day. Und ve vere on ze run n nvr hv ze time to tell jou bk zen, und being on ze run keepz jou frm being tracked of jour scent. Now zat jour not in hiding, evryvone can track jour scent
Orion; Why is this happening/
Dieter: Eets ze leap yr. Eets somezing zat a Japanese Enciphalitis eez born with. Jou can say eetz zere vay of being een heat vithzout being like vat Alexis eez. He von't feel eet, bt evryvone can smell him
Takashi: *sees the first dozen of the group of ppl peeking in thru the window n thru the door evn, n hid behind Orion*
Orion; 8snarled8
Dieter: Jou better take him home und vork frm home for ze nxt couple of mths. Eets gonna be a long one
Orion; 8lead his mate away8
Takashi: *kept behind him, holding him tight as he looked ard warily at evry person who caught his scent n chked him out*
Orion; 8qickly got him home8
Takashi: *once home, thanked the nanny for looking aftr the twins, paid her n took ovr* Kowaii yo...Reminds me of...well, u knw... *meaning his kidnapping n rape bk then*
Orion; 8shuttered8
Takashi: *nuzzled the twins* Hv u been a good kodomo-chan ne~ Amber~ Andy~
8they both nodded8
Takashi: Harahate desho? (u hungry)
Twins; Hai
Takashi: *kissed them n went to the kitchen to make their lunch*
Orion; 8smiled softly8
Takashi: *couldnt help looking the window to see a small group lingering ard outside the condo, looking up their home direction* Moh~ Moichi do ne (here we go again)
Orion; 8glared out the window8
*the group kept their distance, bt still eyeing on Takashi*
Takashi: I didnt knw it was so bad
Orion; 8held him close8
Takashi: Daijobu ne, I'm OK, just a little scared tht one of them might jump me
Orion; 8nuzzled him8
Takashi: *without realizing it, his body scent started to grow stronger, affecting Orion as well*
Orion; 7kept skaking his head8
Takashi: *blinked* Doushita, Ori-chan?
Orion; It's nothing love
Takashi: Honto ka? *finished cooking lunch n gave it to the twins*
8they happily ate8
Takashi: *patted their head n let them be, making his own lunch, the scent starting to permeate the area*
Orion; 8tried to cover his nose8
Takashi: *noticed* Ah, ah, go-gomenasai...Is...Is it my scent...? *blushed hard*
Orion; 8bit his lip8
Takashi: Go...Gomene... *abandoned his cooking n went to hide in the room*
Orion; 8sighed in frsutration8
Amber: Okasan why?
Orion; Why what angel?
Amber: Why okasan say sorry n run away?
Andy: U make okasan angry, otosan?
Orion; No angels, your mother's just going through a rough time in his life
Amber: Then go make okasan happy
Andy: *nods*
Orion; I'm not sure it'll help, I may end up hurting him
Amber: Nani? (what)
Andy: Doushita? (why)
Orion; He's going through a hard time that happens every leap year
Twins: Hai hai~ *talking more n more like their mother*
Orion; You'll learn about it when you're older
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