Episode 1
*aftr abt 3 mths of preparation, shopping n evn going to the mayor to explain Maximus, Hecro n Hecra's case (getting approval in the process), the wedding was well on the way, n all the brides were in the changing room dressed in their bridal outfit*
Hecro&Hecra: *fixing each other's veil*
Takashi: *was dressed in his wedding kimono*
Leah; was helping them out8
Ozzie: *was helping Miracle with the corsette ribbons on the bk of his dress*
Leah; 8help Takashi with his sash8
Takashi: Arigato ne, Leah-san
Leah; 8smiled8
Miracle: Thanks, Daddy. Just the right tightenness. Tho I cant believe I can actually fit in this dress despite my pregnant state
Ozzie: U deserve to look the best, regardless of ur shape n size. Hows my grandchild doing there? *patted his baby bump*
Miracle: Vry well, thanks
Ozzie: *smiled sadly, then turned to Vincent* Need any help, Vince?
Vincent; Can you get the zip
Ozzie: Sure, no problem *helped him with the zip* There, got it
Vincent; Thanks
Ricardo: Someone help me out with the viel plz?
Leah; 8fixed it for him8
Ricardo: Gracias, Leah
Leah; Anytime
*meanwhile, the grooms were getting themselves ready as well*
Drix: *helped Antonio fixed his tie* Hey, heard tht u knocked Ricky up. Congrats
Antonio; We just want a repeat of the last incident
Drix: U want a repeat of the last incident?
Antonio; We just don't want a repeat of the last incident
Drix: I'm sure it'll be fine, dont worry. The baby's got their Daddy to protect them
Dieter: *was chking his hair, bt looked a bit nervous*
Alexis; 8tried to straighten his mane8
Drix: Here, lemme help u with tht *does it for him*
Morty: Mind gimme a hand with this cufflinks, Thrax?
Thrax; Sure 8helped him out8
Morty: Thanks, Thrax. Cant believe we've finally got till this point in life where we finally tie the knot
Thrax; 8chuckled8
Usher: *pops her head in* Its time now
Thrax; Thank you
*all the grooms made their way to the front of the altar where the wedding official is waiting to officiate the wedding*
Leah; You guys ready
*all the brides nodded n took a deep breath before walking dwn the aisle one by one, with Miracle led by Thrax in arm*
Miracle: I'm kinda nervous, Pops
Thrax; You'll be fine
Miracle: *nods quietly as he was the last to reach the altar, n was led towards Alexis*
Alexis; 8gently took his hand8
Miracle: Thanks, Dad *kissed Thrax on the cheek before following Alexis to the front of the altar*
Alexis; 8smiled to him8
*all the brides n grooms approached the altar in front of the wedding officiator while evryone else settled in their seats, the friends everyone had made throughout the 2 yrs were present, including the recording crew of Miracle's*
Thrax; 8took his seat next to ozzy8
Ozzie: *smiled n scooted close to him, Jared in his arms* Brings bk memories, doesnt it?
Thrax; 8purred8
Drix: *sat beside Leah n carried Sally for her* Reminds us of our wedding, huh?
Leah; 8smiled8
Wedding officiator: *read some blessings for the couples before getting started* Do u, Julius Quintin, take Mortiary Retroviridae as ur lawful wedded mate?
Julius; 8smiled softly8 I do
WO: Do u, Mortiary Retroviridae, take Julius Quintin as ur lawful wedded mate?
Morty: I absolutely do
WO: *turns to Miracle* Do u, Miracle Nightingale Jones-Roja, take Alexis Harb as ur lawful wedded mate?
Miracle: I do *smiles brightly*
WO: *turns to Alexis* Do u, Alexis Harb, take Miracle Nightingale Jones-Roja as ur lawful wedded mate?
Alexis; 8smiled8 I do
WO: *turns to Vincent* Do u, Vincent Malloy, take Dieter Claget as ur lawful wedded mate?
Vincent; 8softly8 I do
WO: *turns to Dieter* Do u, Dieter Claget, take Vincent Malloy as ur lawful wedded mate?
Dieter: Ja, I do
WO: *turns to Ricardo* Do u, Ricardo Amino, take Antonio Perez as ur lawful wedded mate?
Ricardo: I do
WO: *turns to Antonio* Do u, Antonio Perez, take Ricardo Amino as ur lawful wedded mate?
Antonio; Sii I do
WO: *turns to Takashi* Do u, Takashi Yamazaki, take Orion Pax as ur lawful wedded mate?
Takashi: Hai, hai~! I do~! *smiled happily*
WO: *turns to Orion* Do u, Orion Pax, take Takashi Yamazaki as ur lawful wedded mate?
Orion; I do
WO: *finally turns to Hecro n Hecra* Hecro and Hecra Jones, u two r a special case, bt since u hv explained ur situation with the mayor n gained his approval, then u r good to proceed. Do u, Hecro n Hecra Jones, take Ariel Christian Maximus as ur lawful wedded mate?
Hecro&Hecra: We do
WO: Do u, Ariel Christian Maximus, take both Hecro n Hecra Jones as ur lawful wedded mates?
Maximus; I do
WO: Vry well, now tht we've spoken, so it shall be. I pronounce all of u as life-long mates. U may kiss ur brides
8the newly weds kissed each other8
*the guests cheered, including the Biotics who were also invited*
Thrax; 8smiled8
*a few papparazis managed to sneak in to get an exclusive, mostly bcoz of Miracle's wedding*
Ozzie: Ack, who let them in?
Thrax; 8snarled and went after them8
Thailog; 8joined him8
Miracle: Ahh, man~ Who leaked to the press? This is supposed to be a private event
*the papparazi squeaked n quickly made a run for it before they could get them*
Thrax; 8ran after them8
Ozzie: *chased aftr* Hey, Thrax, leave them alone. Let them go. They gotta earn an honest living
Miracle: Yeah, its OK. Besides, the ceremony is ovr, I doubt we'll be bombarded by fans n evrything now
Thrax; 8let them go8
Ambrose: C'mon, lets go to hv our wedding reception. I've made reservations at the Cerebellum Hall
Alexis; Sounds good
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