Episode 1
*2 yrs went n gone, n everyone had been absolutely accustomed to life in Goliath. All the children hv grown considerably, the one being obvious was Paul Spryman, who, aftr reaching puberty n reaching sweet 16, had been receiving admirers left n right despite the fact tht he was still going steady with Pendragon. The other kids were also grown considerably, n were quite well-known in the special classes as "The Gifted Rojas". Other children within the family also grown healthy n well, including Hunter. Frank's Diner n the other shops ran pretty well in business, n Oz's business as a PI was quite well, altho his assignments mostly consists of jealous clients wanting to tail their spouses to see if they were cheating*
Sakura; 8stretched on couch, she had adapted her clothing similar to her father's8
Terrence: *popped his head thru the window* Lookin' good there, my little dark angel
Sakura; 8smirked, even though she was female and had her mother's skin tone she was her father's daughter through and through8
Terrence: Hey, I've heard. U scored good at the last exam. U might evn get a spot in college level pretty soon
Sakura; 8sat up8 Who knows
Terrence: Wouldnt u want to be in college? I'm going soon
Sakura; I'm not really sure Terry
Terrence: Aww, bt Terra n I r hoping u might end up in the same class as we r
Sakura; We'll have to see
Terrence: OK. So where is Rory?
Sakura; In the library
Terrence: Cool, Terra is looking for him right now
Terra: *popped in too* Hi, Sakura *made her way to the library*
Sakura; 8gave her a mock salute8
Terra: *popped her head thru the library door* Rory~!
Rory; 8looked up8 Hey there
Terra: *sees Jared there as well doing his colouring* Hey there, Jared
Jared: *grins at her n waved before continuing to colour*
Terra: Its been 2 yrs, hasnt Jared spoken yet?
Rory; I know, I'm not sure if he spoke while we're not around
Ozzie: Tht's bcoz he's born mute
Terra: Oh! Mr Jones, sorry to intrude...
Ozzie: It's OK, I was going to break it to the kids sooner or later, might as well start with my smartest boy here
Jared: *squealed n went to his mother's arms*
Rory; Mother how can that be?
Ozzie: *smiled sadly* Its a side effect thing. Or maybe a genetic make-up. Who knws. These things just happen. He's born special, a miracle born frm a reconstructed womb thanks to the AI, bt at a cost. Ur father knws it, we just didnt knw how to tell it to u guys
Rory; Odd if he was mute he wouldn't have been able to cry
Ozzie: Its one of those mutes where they can make sounds, bt just sounds. Their vocals hv no capacity to produce words. Besides, his crying started to sound weird later on wen he was 4 mths old. It was wheezy n sounded like something got stuck to his throat. We sent him for chk-up n tht's wen the doctors told us abt it. He can make short sounds, bt he will nvr speak
Rory; Does he know sign lanuage?
Ozzie: We're teaching him some basics, bt he'll hv to go to special school for it to learn more
Terra: If I'm not mistaken we do hv such schools for this. I once visited a class for deaf ppl
Ozzie: Tht would be nice. It would be a bit sad for Jared to miss out going to school with his sibs
Rory; We'll help him mother
Ozzie: *smiles* Thanks
Jared: *giggled, fluttering his wings*
Rory; 8nuzzled him8
Ozzie: *smiled*
yo quisiera que me prestaras tu historia solo para traducirla y publicarla en mi cuenta, pero no te yo pondre que no es mia y pondre el link de tu pagina espero tu respuesta mi nombre en Yukimis-TMNT
yo quisiera que me prestaras tu historia solo para traducirla y publicarla en mi cuenta, pero no te yo pondre que no es mia y pondre el link de tu pagina espero tu respuesta mi nombre en Yukimis-TMNT
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