Episode 1
*the mths progressed rather smoothly as Takashi soon entered his 4th mth of pregnancy, one more mth to go, along with Julius, bt his is more of a bit of a baby bump while Taka was a lot larger, since their pregnancy differs*
Takashi: *was hanging out with Julius in the living room, doing some knitting*
Julius; 8was sewing8
Takashi: *finished on his knitting* Ho-ra! Mitte (look), Julius oni-sama *held up a cute little jumpsuit he just finished knitting*
Julius; 8giggled8 Adoreable
Takashi: I evn made some baby boots too *showed it as well* They're the easiest to knit
Julius; 8smiled softly8
Takashi: Sa, anata wa kodomo-chan no doshio? (hows ur baby)
Julius; Growing strong, thankfully
Takashi: Yokkata. So is mine *caress his belly* Sa, did u go see the doc to hv ur kodomo-chan gender chked? Otoko ka? (is it a boy) Onna ka? (is it a girl)
Julius; No and I wish for it to be a surprise
Takashi: Soka? (is tht so) I also want mine to be a surprise. Bt the doctor hv chked frm time to time, since I had a miscarriage before, therefore its risky. So far daijobu ne
Julius; You'll be alright now
Takashi: *smiled then felt a kick* Nani? U agree too, my kodomo-chan? *giggled*
Julius; 8huckled8
Takashi: *sees Julius' baby bump* Can I?
Julius; Don't know if you'll get a response, my little one doesn't move around much
Takashi: *came ovr to touch the baby bump, caressing it*
8there was a small flutter8
Takashi: A-ra? Sa, he recognize his oji-san (uncle) ne? *giggled n leans in to listen at the belly*
8there was another flutter8
Takashi: *giggled* See? Its moving
Julius; 8smiled softly8
Takashi: Hora, ne~! Kodomo-chan ne~! I'm ur oji-san~! *nuzzled the belly*
8there was no more movements8
Takashi: A-re? Does it do tht?
Julius; Leave them Taka
Takashi: Hai 8moved away n continued knitting*
Julius; 8continued his sewing8
Morty: *came home* Hey guys, I;m home
Takashi: Okairinasai, Morty-san (welcome home)
Julius; 8smiled8 Hey
Morty: Hey lovebug *kissed him* N how's our little one doing? *caressed the belly*
Julius; They're doing fine
Morty: Tht's good. Oh, Miracle gave us this. He got us the limited edition of the concert where he guest star in 3 mths ago during Goliath's bday celebration. The whole family gets a copy *showed the DVD n passed one to Takashi*
Takashi: Heh~? Honto? Sugoi ne~! *takes the DVD n admired the cover*
Julius; 8looked at it8
*the cover was of The Biotics, the new T4-cell rock band, with Miracle standing beside the lead singer*
Julius; How's he managing?
Morty: Heard he's doing pretty well. Balancing his career n family quite well, actually. I'm surprised his manager gave him so much leeway
Julius; 8chuckle8 Miracle's a smart one
Morty: Yeah, wen I met him just now, he was saying something abt Alexis' heat. He got the reminder frm his watch n he had just called Eduardo to take him away. He'll be off to accompany him to lockdwn
Takashi: A-ra? Its tht time already huh?
Julius; Least we're prepared now
Takashi: Hai hai
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