Episode 1
*3 days later, the Chief called to ask how Ozzie was doing, then to inform Ozzie that everything was ready for Thrax to take over his position for his part-time job*
Thrax; I just hope I do the job right.
Ozzie: You'll be fine, love. Tonto said he'll come over n pick u up first thing tomorrow morning. Caroleena will show u the ropes
Thrax; 8smiled at his mate8
Ozzie: *smiles bk and kisses him before hearing the triplets cry. He recognized that tone of cry was not because of hunger* Oh dear, someone made a boo-boo in the diapers again
Thrax; 8chuckled and went to see about sorting his clothes for the morning8
Ozzie: *came into the nursery and saw Sakura and Ozzex crying* OK, OK, babies. Mama's gonna make the boo-boo go away *gets the clean diapers, wet wipes n talcum powder*
Kairan; 8was chewing of his stuffed toy8
Ozzie: *hummed a tune as he expertly removed the soiled diapers and clean Sakura and Ozzex up with wet wipes n talcum powder before he wore them with new ones*
Thrax; 8stood in the doorway8
Ozzie: *finishes Ozzex's diapers and patted both their heads* There, all done. Boo-boo all gone now
8they reach up to him8
Ozzie: *chuckles* Alright, hold on *throws the diapers into the garbage can before picking them up* Who's a nice n fresh baby? Yes you are~
8they giggled, cuddling close8
Ozzie: *turns and sees Thrax at the doorway* Oh, look who's here. It's Papa~!
Thrax; 8chuckles and picks up Kairan8
Kiaran: Dadi~! ^^
Thrax; 8smiles8 Clever little one.
Ozzie: Found what you need to wear for tomorrow?
Thrax; Just hope it's suitable.
Ozzie: You look sexy on anything, love, but just for kicks, can I see?
Thrax; It's not much.
Ozzie: Aww, c'mon. Please~? *puppy eyed pout*
Kiaran: *giggled and copied his Mama, giving him puppy eyed pout as well*
Thrax; 8shows ozzy a pair of black trousures, boots and a grey t-shirt8
Ozzie: Nice, bt u should try wearing white once in a while, like this *shows him a turtleneck white shirt*
Thrax; White's never been my colour.
Ozzie: Try it. You just might look nice. C'mon, love, for me~?
Thrax; 8sighs, taking the shirt8
*the triplets giggled at their parents' antics*
Thrax; 8stroked their hair8
Ozzie: I'm sure you'll do great in the force. Won't he, kids?
*the triplets clapped their hands gleefully*
Thrax; 8blushed8
*the next morning, Tonto was right on the dot to pick him up*
Ozzie: *in the kitchen making breakfast* Thrax love, Tonto's here
Tonto: Hey, Oz. Watcha makin'?
Ozzie: Waffles. Want some?
Tonto: Nah. The Chief wants me to bring Thrax straight to the office
Ozzie: He'll be dwn in a minute
Thrax; *came down, pulling on his jacket*
Tonto: *sees the white turtleneck shirt he was wearing* Nice. You look brighter for a change, not all dark and gloomy in those colours
Ozzie: I made him wear it. He needed the change, anyways *smiles*
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
Tonto: C'mon, we gotta go now
Ozzie: At least have a cup of coffee before you go, love. Working on an empty stomach is not good *offers the drink to both Tonto and Thrax*
Thrax; 8quickly drank it then kissed his children on their foreheads8 Be good for mommy now.
*the triplets giggled n waved goodbye to their Papa*
Thrax; 8kissed his mate softly8
Ozzie: *kisses bk* Have a good day now, love
Thrax; 8nodded and headed out8
*Tonto drove Thrax dwn to the FPD. There, everyone gave Thrax a warm welcome before Tonto sent Thrax into the Chief's office*
Tonto: Here he is, Chief
Chief: Good. You're dismissed
Tonto: *saluted before giving a good luck wink to Thrax and left the office*
Thrax; 8took a deep breath to calm his nerves8
Chief: *chuckles* Easy does it, Thrax. I'm not going to make you jump frm a cliff or something. You're just taking over Jones' job for the time being. It's no big
Thrax; It's just I've never done this before, despite my bloodline.
Chief: Don't worry. It'll get to you, in a good way, I mean. It's all abt police instinct, and since you have been an outlaw for a while, no offence, you knw criminals better than anyone else
Thrax; 8nodded8
Chief: Right, so for now, u'll be doing desk jobs, filing paperwork and all that, and maybe a couple of days later you can do Ozzie's old job stationed in the mouth. How's that?
Thrax; 8shrugged8 As long as I can support my family anything's fine.
Chief: It's just until Ozzie can get bk into the force. You'll do fine *offers his hand to shake* So welcome to the force, Thrax
Thrax; 8took his hand an shook it8
Chief: You can go see Caroleena or Jamison, they'll show u where Ozzie's desk is
Thrax; 8nodded, saluting and left8
Jamison: *chatting with Ricardo wen he sees Thrax* Hey, buddy! You're here!
Thrax; 8nodded8
Jamison: *claps his bk* Welcome to the force, man!
Ricardo: Glad to see ya. How's Oz doing?
Thrax; He's doing really well.
Jamison: The kids? I'm starting to miss them a little now that we're no longer babysitting them
Thrax; 8chuckles8 Really showing their personalities now.
Jamison: Reli? *leads Thrax to Ozzie's desk* How so?
Thrax; Well Sakura has most of my attidude and my fighting spirit, Kairan is more like Ozzy while Ozzex is a mixture of us.
Jamison: That is so cute. Daddy's little girl and Mommy's little boy, I suppose. Ah, here's Ozzie's desk
Thrax; 8chuckled as he sat down8
Jamison: Well, here's a few paperwork u need to file up and stuff *shows the files on the desk* that Ozzie left behind ever since the incident with Colonic. Just need to arrange this and categorize alphabetically
Thrax; Alright. 8he began sorting them8
*meanwhile, Ozzie is at home looking after the kids while cleaning up the house a little*
Sakura; 8was tuggling at her stuffed toy8
*Kiaran playing with his chew toy when Ozzex tried to take it away frm him. Tug of war ensued until Ozzex unintentionally burned off the toy with his retractable claw*
Kiaran: WAAA~!!!
Ozzie: *rushes to them* What's wrong, babies?
Sakura; 8looked over8
Ozzie: *sees the burnt toy* Alright, who's at fault here?
Kiaran: *wails n points at Ozzex*
Ozzex: *shakes his head*
Sakura; 8rolled her eyes8
Ozzie: Ozzex... *looks at him warningly*
Ozzex: *lips quiver* WAA~!!!
Ozzie: *picks Kiaran n Ozzex up* You knw u should not fight. There's plenty of toys for everyone. Now say sorry to Kia, Ozzex
Ozzex: *whimpering in his tears while stroking Kiaran's cheek apologetically*
Sakura; 8sighed in relief and went bck to struggling with her toy8
Ozzie: *nods satisfied n puts teh kids dwn* And watcha doin', Sakura?
Sakura; 8was acting like an animal with her toy bacteria, pouncing on it and shaking it about8
Ozzie: *chuckles* A predator just like your daddy, eh?
Sakura; 8growled, shaking the toy in her mouth8
Ozzie: *chuckles n takes the toy out of her mouth* Enough of that now. You'll ruin it. It's a gift frm Auntie Leah, u knw
Sakura; 8crawled at the mat8
Ozzie: *sees that everything was more or less peaceful, he went to do the laundry*
Thrax; 8finishes off the last file in record time8
Ricardo: Woah, that's some crazy speed, Thrax. It'll take Oz a week to get these done
Thrax; 8shrugs8
Ricardo: Well, I guess you might wanna help out in the evidence room. I'm swamped with unfinished sorting
Thrax; 8got up and fallowed him8
Ricardo: *leads him into the evidence room, which looked like a storm just hit*
Thrax; 8sweatdrops8
Ricardo: Yeeaaahh, well, stuffs been piling up and our last evidence store keeper was being snuffed out during the fight with the army barracks--he's a pure white blood cell, btw--and we're stuck with this ever since the day Oz gave birth to Ozzex. So *cracks his knuckles* Shall we start?
Thrax; 8nodded and went to work8
Ricardo: *started with Thrax to clear up the mess*
Thrax; 8sorted out the mess when something caught his eye8 What the-/ 8takes a closer look8
Ricardo: *surprised* Found something interesting, Thrax?
Thrax; 8picked up a small box with a crest on it, a black rose on two crossed daggers in flames8
Ricardo: Woah! Wassat?
Thrax; 8dusted it off revealing a name 'Roja'*
Ricardo: Ehh~? That's...That's ur family name! What's it doing in the evidence room?
Thrax; 8stuffed it int his coat and quickly spead through the sorting out8
Ricardo: Hey, you sure you wanna take that? It's evidence, u knw
Thrax; 8didn't hear him8
Ricardo: *decided to let this slide, see how the situation plays out as he continues to sort the room with the virus*
Thrax; 8finished up and wiped his forehead8
8there was comotion out in the offices8
Ricardo: *looks up* What's going on out there?
Thrax; 8headed out to see8
Ricardo: *followed behind him*
8most of the FPD was gathered round Carrie's desk, she looked completely white with shock8
Chief: *hears the commotion and came out of the office* What's going on here?
Jamison: It's Carrie. She looked like she seen a ghost or something
Caroleena; 8saw a file on the desk8 What's this/ 8picks it up and a photo falls out8
Jamison: *picks up the photo*
8it was a mug shot photo of two viruses that resembled Thrax8
Ricardo: Dude! They look like...like you *turns to Thrax*
Thrax; 8snatched up the file and looked through it then covered his mouth8 Oh Frank.
Jamison: What? What is it? You knw them?
Carrie; 8picked up a crimescene of the viruses laying motionless on the ground, covered in blood8 Frank no wonder she's pale.
Ricardo: *grimace at the sight of the dead viruses in the picture* Holy mother of Frank...
Carrie; Wait sec. 8takes the magrophying glass and looks8 Check it out.
Jamison: What is it? *peeks in*
8there in the corner was a very young virus peeking out from behind the wall, one they knew8
Ricardo: That's...That's you, Thrax! You've been here before?? But...But I thought the day you came in ur evil self is the first time you came here!
Thrax; 8hyperventilated, trying to get round the confused8
Jamison: Easy, easy *tries to calm Thrax dwn* Look wat u did, Ricky?
Ricardo: I'm sorry, I just...
Jamison: You just weren't thinking. Don't worry, Thrax, there's got to be an explanation to this
Carrie; 8snarled, slamming a newspaper article that said 'Vicious Vile Viruses Vanquished8 Bastards.
Jamison: *picks up the newspaper and read it* It seems to say that the dead viruses there was caught trying to rob a bank. They tried to make a getaway bt was cornered n killed on the spot by...Mayor Phlegmming's order to shoot to kill?? What the Frank?!
Ricardo: A little bit harsh to apprehend a bank robbery, don't u think? What was he thinking?
Tonto: I have a feeling it's more than meets the eye here
Carrie; 8looked over at Tjrax who had gone the same colour as Caroleena8
Ricardo: *notices* I think you'd better sit dwn, Thrax. You don't look so good
Thrax; 8sat down, shakenly8
Chief: *studies the file* This is a cold and closed case, Carrie. How did it end up in ur desk?
Carrie; Found it 8swallows8 behind the filing cabinet.
Chief: What's it doing in the filing cabinet? Cold and closed cases should be kept in the Cold Case Storeroom. Who was the blundering fool who put it there?
Jamison: That would probably be Hecro. He's got a bad sense of filing. Thank goodness u fired him
Carrie; 8felt sick and slumped to the floor8
Chief: Not soon enough, I'm afraid. Hmm...This is still worth investigating again though. See what goes beyond this case, put a little closure for Thrax here
8everyone nodded8
Caroleena; Something about this one doesn't seem right.
Jamison: I agree, bt we'll have to figure that out later. Right now, you should go bk, Thrax. Ur done for the day. Go home n be with your fiance
Ricardo: I'm looking forward to the wedding though
Tonto: *slaps Ricardo's bk of the head, warning him this was not the good time to say that*
Thrax; 8nodded and struggled to his feet, lightly pushing something in his coat8
Ricardo: *saw it bt kept quiet this time*
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